Sand in brooder/grow out pen-Sifter ideas?


7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
Recently switched all pens to sand after trying it and loving it in my big coop. I use a cat litter scoop in the big pens but it does not work so well in the grow out pen. Everything just falls thru the scoop holes. I was thinking a kitchen sifter type thing. Anyone have a better idea?
I made one with a wire hanger and safety wire. It was a tedius project, but the openings were the size I needed. I would go to the dollar store and see what they for a buck, instead! Kitchen implements would work better, probably, like a spaghetti strainer spoon....
I've built my own with a wood frame and 1/8th inch hardware cloth stapled to it, and shovel it with an ash shovel. It's been working great... I also bought a soil sifter when the chickens were in the brooder, it worked well too, but it cost $20! I think I spent $7 on 2 feet of hardware cloth and already had everything else.
I sacrificed a kitchen sifter for the well being of my chickens. I only did a small area with it and it took forever. So I will have to see what I can make that will be bigger and more time efficient.

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