Sand in coop is wet.


5 Years
May 15, 2018
We recently got a lot of rain( last weekend) and my coop took on some water. My coop is in the back of my shed and when we had a lot of rain it filled the back of my shed right next to my coop. It also got into my coop and the sand in it is all wet and damp now. The coop now smells and the sand is still very wet. What should I do to get rid of the smell and help dry out the sand? We are in the process of fixing the shed from flooding again.
I love, love, love sand in the coop...except when it gets wet. I once hosed down the coop walls and then realized how stinky sand is when wet. I had to shovel it out, spread it in the garage to dry, and then put it back.

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