Sand...lots of it in chicken run?


10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
Hi all!

Could you tell me about chickens and sand. We are building our coop and chicken run inside of what used to be an old pool off surrounded by a deck. Once we take down and throw out the old tarp, there will be all sand underneath.

Will this be OK for the chickens to run about on? If possible we want to use it, but I don't hear or see a lot of posts about sand and chickens.


Thanks in advance:D
I have sand in my run.
I like it better than wood shavings, because it stays drier and the chickens don't eat it.

I take a sieve to it occasionally if it gets yucky, but the poop seems to break up into little tiny dry bits in the sand.
I don't see the problem, after all chickens love to take dirt baths, and sand is a pretty good medium for doing so
its natural. its grit. its easy cleanup. its what i use. you guessed it ding ding ding its sand. haha i use sand and it serves many purposes... the chicks eat it so you do not have to give them grit. they can get in the dry sand and take a nice dust bath and its easy to sift out the litter... i use a 6 inch deep base of river sand because it is a little more coarse. under a pool they probably used play sand which is finer but i would still use it
Having just spent over an hour on poop patrol in the shavings...I'm even thinking of using it inside the coop.

I've got one roost with a big plastic tub with some sand in it and it is sooo easy to scoop the 'stuff' out. And they're only two months old, so when they're bigger...I think you'll be able to duct tape a kitty litter scoop onto an old shovel handle and scoop pretty easily.

Although I like whoever said they screen it out...that I'd like to see! Like an arena drag or something????
Lucky you! I have to BUY mine! It's great in the run. Rake the poop out, drains well, and the girls love it.

Colby in KY

50 GLW, 10 EEs, soon to be mom to 25 BLRW
The only thing about sand is that it's super easy to dig through, so if the fence is in the sandy area (or at the edge) you need to make EXTRA sure that a buried section, or a horizontal apron, prevents hungry things from getting in. Or dust-bathing chickens from unexpectedly finding themselves on the wrong side of the wire

Have fun,


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