Save Your Sanity! LG Incubator Thermostat Knob Adaptor


Rest in Peace 1956-2011
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
I saw reference to this a couple years ago and even though I didn't have an LG then, the concept stuck.
I recently got an LG to use as a hatcher and now I know why so many complain about getting the temperature just right- that dinky stick knob is useless.

Here's the fix- it's the cap from a 16 oz. juice bottle with a 7/32" hole drilled in it. That is a bit small so I carved a little more with my pocketknife, until it fit snugly. Credit to DH for the bottle cap, I was thinking of wood when he spotted the cap!


It makes it much easier to adjust in tiny increments.
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I thought about doing that too!!! I just never knew what to use, now I do! Thanks for posting this! JEN
I just wonder if LG isn't forgetting a part- that is still pretty sensitive to adjustments.
It's working well, so far. I really can dial in on a temp more easily. Once I really get it stabilized I'll mark it with a line at some of the temps I want to use. And glue the cap in place permanantly.
what kind of juice bottle did you get that off of. Its nice and flat looking all mine are to tall.
DH says it's from a 16 oz. orange juice bottle, fron the convenience store. (which means he's paying way too much for juice!)

Oh, if it's too tall? Cut it down or turn it upside down.
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