Saved ‘Gene’ and have to share with people who understand!


Apr 6, 2023
Some of you know that I had eight week old chicks when I left for vacation. A relative was staying in my house and was (I thought) a very responsible person. In under two weeks all my chicks were gone except one 😭. I gave her to a neighbors grandson.
That was early June of this year.
I have 3+ week old chicks. The mystery chick I got is a Jersey Giant and I have fallen in love with him. I assume it’s a roo. I named him Gene, for Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein.
I was very tired when I fed & watered this afternoon / evening, but I wanted to expand their area a bit. I hurriedly added some space.
A while later I heard a scream, then silence. I got there as fast as I could and there was Gene. He got his head stuck & was limp, I knew he was gone 😢. No, no, nooooo! I picked him up and he already felt cold. I got out nutri drench, pried his little beak open and put a drop in his mouth. I had Gene on my lap and wasn’t ready to accept that he was gone, so I put him against my skin and covered him with my hand. I sat there, holding his limp little body. I would look at him, then look away, putting off getting something to put his tiny body in. Five minutes later, literally five minutes later, I looked & thought that I saw one eye blink. Oh my, that didn’t really happen, or did it?! I stared at Gene willing him to blink again. Oh my goodness, he did! It took about fifteen minutes for him to sit on his own. I held Gene for close to an hour, then fixed him a spot for tonight to completely recover before going back with his brothers & sisters.
I know this is a long post. I just had to share my joy with BYC!


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