scalped chick!


14 Years
Feb 2, 2009
what do i do? She is a bantam white cochin who is almost completely featherd out, i got her to eat scrambled eggs and drink water and cleaned the wound... its about the size of a dime...
Okay I had this happen to me earlier this year. At bedtime everyone was okay, but by morning, they had scalped one of my juvenile easter egger hens. She had no skin or feathers left on her head or upper neck: It was really gross and I felt terrible for her.

First, I very carefully cleaned the wound with water: I skipped soap because I was afraid it would sting. I patted it dry with a paper towel and then put some iodine on the area, followed by neosporin, followed by a fly ointment I had called SWAT that is designed to keep flies off the area (vet gave it to me for my horse after she had surgery last year).

I put her in my hospital cage with plenty of water and food and checked her every few hours for the first couple of days...making sure to look for signs of infection. I mixed up a packet of Sav-A-Chick electrolytes in a gallon of water and filled her waterer with it and put the rest in the fridge (marked so the hubby didn't drink it). I gave her extra little food things like fresh veggies and scrambled eggs till I was sure she would be okay as well.

After about three days I stopped applying Neosporin/SWAT and sprayed the area with wound kote. After several weeks she is fully feathered out again. However, she does have a funny "feather-do" in that area, but it is better than having to call her old chrome dome. The wound kote, which is a purple or blue spray, is found in the horse section at the feed stores or tractor supply. This stuff is great to keep on hand: I also spray it on the back of my girls that get their feathers pulled. It seems to stop the picking.

Just watch for any signs of infection and if she is housed outside watch for maggots if you can't find any fly ointment. You should be okay if she scabs quickly though.

Good luck and I hope she is better soon.
she died before i got your post
thanks any ways...

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