Scaly leg mites?


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
What would you say this is? We live in wet, rainy Oregon, but the run is grassy, not mud. Is this red because of irritation? Are these raised scales due to leg mites?
It does look like scaly leg mites from some of the scales lifting. The redness may be normal since both virile roosters and fertile hens may have red skin on legs and feet. For scaly leg mite treatment, you can soak the legs once a week in warm soapy water while using an old toothbrush to gently wash the scales. Dry thoroughly, and apply your favorite oil of choice rubbing it under the scales to kill mites. Castor oil is very good, inexpensive, and long-lasting. Others use vaseline, cooking oil, and Nustock. This weekly treatment may take weeks to allow healing and regrowth of scales. Bring inside for soaking in winter.
The scales don't look raised that much but the foot does look irritated, maybe from being on wet grass? Is it also cold where you live? If that is the case it may be some kind of frostbite. You could try rubbing Vaseline into the scales. If not, I would just try the leg mite treatment Eggcessive mentioned above. Neither treatment are chemicals that could hurt your bird and most can be found around the house so it's worth a shot. Good luck!

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