Scared Chicks

How do I get the chicks to not be afraid of me every time I reach in the brooder to fill the feed and water? My adult hens still run away from me but gather when I have cracked corn.
I mashed the yolk from a boiled egg and started feeding them from my hand. It took several days but now they all run to me. I had read of someone else doing this and it worked. I don't do it more than once a day with only one boiled egg yolk.
How do I get the chicks to not be afraid of me every time I reach in the brooder to fill the feed and water? My adult hens still run away from me but gather when I have cracked corn.
While my girls were still in their brooder I gave them only egg yolk as a treat to get them use to my hand. Now I have them in the inbetween coop ( little girls all by themselves next to the big girls pen) I still only give them their chick feed and a little scrambled egg. They have sand available for their grit and whatever they peck off the ground. They are now 8 weeks old. They still run to me when I get close to their pen.

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