
dino bernardi

6 Years
Apr 19, 2013
Hello and wow what a great site this is subscribed yesterday and can't put it down, learned so much so far. Anyhow just got 25 jumbo Cornish meat chickens a.week ago and so far all doing fine sure is scary though reading all the possible problems that could arise.
just don't free feed them. But with any bird, just remember that they can look and act fine, you do a 360 spin, and they are dead. With meaties, there's just a higher chance. But I had two roosters live to be 1 1/2 yrs old before they had heart attacks. I just lost my hen, who would have turned 3 yrs old in May. If you do them on time for the table, they seem to live just fine until than for the most part. Good luck, and
Thx for the advice. Going out right now to check on them and cut back on food as I have been free.feeding.
Greetings from Kansas, dino bernardi, and
! Great to have you here! I've raised Cornish X for years - they aren't too much a problem if you can do a few things. First, try and limit their food - lots of folks go 12 hours on, 12 hours off. That is what I do as well after 3 or 4 weeks. It slows their growth a little and greatly reduces the impact of injury. I also let mine free range to actually get a little exercise - this seems to help as well. I grow them up to be of roasting size as we like them better that way than for fryers. Good luck to you and your flock!

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