'Schedule' egg laying???


10 Years
May 24, 2013
Lake Somerville, Texas
While my Silkie babies are learning to be chickens they have the run of the coop and the laying hens (3) are locked out and in the chicken yard. Their nest boxes where they usually lay, are IN the coop.

Do you think they'll lay if I let them in there for 10 am to 2 pm?

I just don't feel comfortable leaving the coop door open all day and the baby Silkies on the lose. They actually got out into the big yard the other day!! (Freak out here!) lol

Is there any way to adjust the time of day hens lay eggs?
Can you just add a nest box out in their run or chicken yard? It's not really possible to adjust when they hens will lay. It takes 24 to 26 Hours for a chicken to make an egg. My girls scream at each other if one of them is hogging the nest. When they gotta lay, they gotta lay!

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