Science Question


12 Years
Nov 21, 2007
I feel really stupid for doing this.
I do an online school and one of the questions explains that in many cases the production of heat [exothermic] is bad, but it wants me to give a detailed example of when the production of heat is good. I feel lost. I am not looking for an answer exactly, just some ideas would be appreciated.
Are they only wanting examples of exothermic reactions or endothermic as well? Either way, just google the terms or go to Wikipedia- there are external links at the bottom of the page.
Compost. Exothermic, good because it heats up the pile and sterilizes weed seeds. Any chemical hand warmer takes advantage of an exothermic reaction, as do most of those cold heat things. If this is not what your are looking for...then heat speeds reactions, which in some cases is a good thing.
Also, heat in terms of incubation is always a good thing. We incubate bacteria to produce DNA and so that it will grow better.

Also, the production of heat in a reaction will sometimes indicate that a reaction is taking place when there is no color change or other way to tell.

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