Scratched eye


5 Years
Apr 22, 2017
Today we found one of our girls laying in the coop, under her roost, with a scratched eye. No clue what happened. We have cleaned it with water and put an ointment on it. She isn’t eating and barely drinking and is very lethargic. I put her into a crate with her own food and water and brought her inside to quarantine her. What else should I be doing?


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I would give her some Poultry NutriDrench orally 2 ml, then get her to drink water. Hold some watery chicken feed mash in a small bowl up to her beak to eat. Scrambled egg, tuna, or canned cat food may be good as well. Can you open her eye to see if it is intact? Has she been picked on or low in pecking order? Could she have been scratched by a cat or other predator?
I would give her some Poultry NutriDrench orally 2 ml, then get her to drink water. Hold some watery chicken feed mash in a small bowl up to her beak to eat. Scrambled egg, tuna, or canned cat food may be good as well. Can you open her eye to see if it is intact? Has she been picked on or low in pecking order? Could she have been scratched by a cat or other predator?
She is not very low in the pecking order. She is a very friendly hen and has always gotten along with the others. She is smaller than the others, but it never seemed to matter. I think maybe she got scratched by a mesquite tree or something? She has started slowly opening her eye a bit. It seems blueish and cloudy? She ate a bit and tried to go forage with the other hens when we had her outside this afternoon to change out the bedding where her water spilled. They tried pecking her eye where I had put the ointment on, so we quickly brought her back. I don’t think I have NutriDrench, but I will look for it. I had electrolytes which I put into her water and she seemed to drink it pretty well. Thank you for responding with some good things to try!

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