

In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2021
I need suggestions ASAP. I have a seabright rooster that a todal butthole I can't litery put any new hens with him he litery he hurts them. He with 2 silkies he grew up with and he does just fine but as soon as I put a another hens with him he hurts them . Any suggestions? What to do?
He may be trying to “defend “ his ladies. If you are adding more birds to the flock I recommend slowly integrating them especially with a rooster .
He more then defending he literly pulls on the hens wings and drags them around and drawing blood
Are you sure the new chickens are female?
Did you allow them to see but not touch each other for at least a week so they can get used to each other, like have them separated by fencing? Or did you just dump the hens in?
Are you sure the new chickens are female?
Did you allow them to see but not touch each other for at least a week so they can get used to each other, like have them separated by fencing? Or did you just dump the hens in?
Yes I'm a 100 percent sure there females . And yes I allowed them to see and touch each other and it was fine untill I put them back in the coop together and he thew a fit physically attacking her . I know there's a difference between him marking her as his but then after wards he litery dragging her drawing blood. I have never had a rooster like this he has no problems with humans but has problems with any hens

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