My 2 pullets will be ready to be integrated the first week in October which is when they will turn 4 months old. They have been living in their own coop and "free ranging" in about 500 square feet everyday. I want to move them with the rest of the flock. There is a fence dividing their areas and the flock has been interacting with them for several weeks now. The flock lives in 2 coops (one has 11 hens and the other has 5) both coops are connected to a long 48 x 12 feet run which gets closed every night. Early in the morning everybody gets out to free range in half an acre until roosting time.
I plan to let the 2 pullets out of their enclosure and let them run with the rest of the flock under my supervision, the part that I have not worked out yet is what to do at night. I am pretty sure the pullets will want to roost in the coop they have been sleeping in for weeks, but I really want to integrate them by making them sleep in either one of the other two coops. I can close the run with them inside and let them sort out which coop to go to but I guess there are going to be fights. Is there any way I can make it easy for them to fit in either coop?
I even though about bringing them in at night when everybody is sleeping but they won't learn to get there this way. Any ideas???
I plan to let the 2 pullets out of their enclosure and let them run with the rest of the flock under my supervision, the part that I have not worked out yet is what to do at night. I am pretty sure the pullets will want to roost in the coop they have been sleeping in for weeks, but I really want to integrate them by making them sleep in either one of the other two coops. I can close the run with them inside and let them sort out which coop to go to but I guess there are going to be fights. Is there any way I can make it easy for them to fit in either coop?
I even though about bringing them in at night when everybody is sleeping but they won't learn to get there this way. Any ideas???