Sebastopol gosling's


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Southeast texas
In 2009 i purchased 10 geese to see how they would do free ranging here and i have not lost a one and now i am ready to raise up some Sebes.
I need advice on whom has a decent quality Sebe's, i would like to purchase 6 to 8 gosling's .
Someone in texas or Lousiana would be great
Thanks for the help
sorry i dont know anybody out that way. you can buy eggs and goslings here on byc.
i have 9 breeding pairs they are great birds all my goslings that hatch are sold for now.
but i do have eggs. for 20.00 each and 15.00 shipping i can only put 4 eggs in a box.
but if you cant hatch them. just keep an i out on byc you will get some.

it took me over a year to find mine i gave up. then i was talking to an old gent one
day and he said he was to old to mess with his and sold them all to me.
good luck and keep looking.
Thank you, I hatch eggs all the time from my own birds but i just don't like to take chances on a messed up hatch because of shipping so i prefer live.

I will keep my eye open.
Thanks again
There are a number of quality sources for Sebastopols, however you have limited yourself by stating only those two states. Shipping from LA has no more/less risk than shipping from Michigan or FL. Most goslings sell at around 50-60 each also when looking for a source.
Thanks for the reply
i just said it would be great in hopes that someone reading this and in my area may have some, i don't mind having them shipped, i have gotten birds like that for over 30 years and never had a problem.
You might find goslings from good sources hard to come by, as most will retain most of to all hatchlings to grow out for fall selections. Then come fall you will find juveniles listed available.

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