Sebastopol questions about wing and feather development


14 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Poplar Grove, IL
I have two Sebastopol goslings. I purchased them about a month ago. They are my first geese. I thought they were a month old when I purchased them, in any case they had not started to develop feathers when I bought them.

The female developed angel wing in one wing about a week after I purchased her. I've wrapped her wings but they do not seem to be responding. I change the wraps every week, leaving the wing free for 24 hours between wraps. The male has had what I'd call drooping wings until yesterday when one started to turn out - I wrapped him this morning.

They free range during the day with ducklings that have just now become fully feathered. I only feed them when I put them in at night. I mix Duck Grower (16% protein) with crimped oats. I try to mix 1/3 oats the rest duck grower. The ducks and geese are together at night. They clean up the food before morning but I have no good idea of how much the geese are eating.

When I bought them they were very fat - I called them pudding pillows. I believe they were kept mostly in a shed for safety. I'm not sure how much exercise they got, they seemed a little clumsy/weak when I got them. But as I said these are my first geese so this might have been normal. They are what I consider a more normal weight now, and they walk around with the ducks in the yard and swim in their pool during the day.

I'm really worried about the angel wing - is there anything else I can do to minimize it? Also they don't seem to be growing their wing feathers equally. The male has two really long well developed feathers and the rest of the wing feathers are short and developing slowly. Is this normal or are they lacking something in their diet?

Also, they still hate me. They love their duck friends but won't come closer than four feet from me on their own (the female will come over and chew on my shoelaces when the ducks are swarming me). And they scream like I'm going to kill them when I pick them up! They are calm when I'm holding them but they keep their heads down over my arm. What can I do to gain their trust?
I would just keep them wrapped until it holds. The quills are so full of blood that the wings get so heavy and can flip out. Don't leave them off if they are still wanting to flip out. The bone should harden and hold eventually. How old are they?
Do you speak goose?
Approach them with your head down and extended in greeting and mimic their cute little HEh HEh HEh HEh!This is how geese regroup and bond to one anther Give them a treat after this ( or do the goose mimic when you feed and water them). Move in a dignified quiet manner among them as the parents would do. My geese love to be talked to in a quiet normal tone-they are very curious animals! Mine respond to their names-OR one of the names of their particular group. I name the treats vocally when I delve them out.
Thanks Jenifer, I'll keep them wrapped. I was afraid if I kept them wrapped for more than a couple of weeks I'd cause more harm than good.

Banter, I've tried to talk goose, but something seems to be lost in translation! I've tried to give them peas but they live with 11 dutch hookbills. The ducks inhale the peas before the geese can figure out its food. Yesterday I had a bit of success, I was able to toss enough peas toward the geese that the female actually ate two before the ducks swooped in. Maybe I can separate them and get a few treats to the geese.
You might just check them once a week to see if it has held and if he stretches his wings out that's ok. If it still want to flip out just wrap it again. Hope it holds for you. Sometimes they are bugars.
One can be cleverer than waterfowl
Throw one handful in one direction and anther handful in the opposite direction! I have to do this all the time! Or, separate the geese till they figure out what treat is worth going for! It might be worth your while to sit in a pen with them (or whatever area you can confine them to) for 10-15 minutes a few times. Put a bowl of food close to you, and sit there quietly. They will learn you mean them no harm. Talk to them in a quiet tone. Good luck with the wraps, also.
That's what I thought! I'll just keep trying - I've tried a few things you've suggested, at least I'm on the right track. I've never seen anything faster than a Dutch Hookbill after a pea.
Hey Baybrio - I was wondering if the wrapping ended up helping your Sebbies?

I just brought home some young females with some funky angel-wing...they're almost done feathering though, so I'm not sure if they'll respond to wrapping.
Annarie - Yes the wrapping has helped the female, her wings are almost ready to be unwrapped for good. They are much straighter but were still drooping a bit so I rewrapped just to be sure. I'm going to try taking the wraps off for good tomorrow.

The male is still a work in progress but I see improvement. He is a bit behind the female in development and didn't really show any angel wing until maybe two weeks later than the female.

This is taking a long time though. Seems like the poor female has been wrapped for a month. I've been wrapping the lower two sections with something like VetWrap and then using some medical tape over the vet wrap. The VetWrap does not stick to the feathers and the medical tape over the vet wrap seems to keep everything on. They really don't seem to mind the wraps (they still hate being caught though). They can still stretch and preen most of the wing. By not actually using any adhesive tape on their feathers changing the wraps is much easier. A few of my first attempts with the VetWrap fell off or did not hold the wing in place, I've learned by trial and error how tight I can make the wraps and how much of the wing I need to cover. When I tried the VetWrap without the medical tape the wraps usually fell off.

When I first started wrapping I changed the wraps every couple of days just to make sure I was not causing any damage. I'm braver now and leave these on up to a week.

Good luck with your new babies. Pictures?

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