**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Well we got rain here. And more rain. And more rain. And it got cold.

I've got such a mess to clean up. I fished 3 goose eggs out of over a foot of water in the coop, I'll be setting those tonight along with the chukar eggs I got in the mail today.
I'm hoping the coop drains enough that I can at least add some dry bedding tonight. I left it open last night since it was under water and the ducks and geese were stuck standing in it. The serama's have a raised pallet floor over part of their coop, so they at least had a dry area. The mandies and babies stayed dry too, just my main coop got flooded. About half of our yard is underwater, and there are several "creeks" running through our yard and the chicken yard.

Quote: Yes, we got some antibiotics, but I feel awful having to dig her out from hiding to give her a pill, clean her wound, or force feed her. Apparently she doesn't want to eat, but she HAS TO! So I rub a couple fungerfuls on the roof of her mouth occasionally. Poor baby. I thought about kitten replacement milk or goat milk, but afraid the milk will counteract the antibiotics. Maybe some good ole fashioned tuna.
Well we got rain here. And more rain. And more rain. And it got cold.

I've got such a mess to clean up. I fished 3 goose eggs out of over a foot of water in the coop, I'll be setting those tonight along with the chukar eggs I got in the mail today.
I'm hoping the coop drains enough that I can at least add some dry bedding tonight. I left it open last night since it was under water and the ducks and geese were stuck standing in it. The serama's have a raised pallet floor over part of their coop, so they at least had a dry area. The mandies and babies stayed dry too, just my main coop got flooded. About half of our yard is underwater, and there are several "creeks" running through our yard and the chicken yard.

Looks like my yard! We have a decent sized creek running through the west side yard between our house and the woodshed. Our little pond in the south pasture is now a lake! The Canada geese are really enjoying it I guess because they've been out there honking and splashing about all day. They just reenforced my vow to never own geese. something about their honking is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Sorry to all the goose fanciers

It did get me to thinking about ducks though... Hmmm. come on enablers, what kinds of ducks should I get? lol
Oh, good heavens!! Be careful what you wish for!! There are some tales of peeps with scores of broodies because they dared to whisper such words...
That would be fine with me. I'm flooded with eggs at the moment & nowhere to put them & too many to eat. ANYBODY NEED EGGS!!!!

Ron he's coming to take you away Ha Ha
He's coming to take you away Ho Ho
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful ALL the time!
And he's so happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
And they're coming to take him away HAHA!!!!

(Can you tell what my favorite ringtone is

I just found your Happy pills nut case! Seriously I LOVE your digests!
I need some of those!!!

Looks like my yard! We have a decent sized creek running through the west side yard between our house and the woodshed. Our little pond in the south pasture is now a lake! The Canada geese are really enjoying it I guess because they've been out there honking and splashing about all day. They just reenforced my vow to never own geese. something about their honking is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Sorry to all the goose fanciers

It did get me to thinking about ducks though... Hmmm. come on enablers, what kinds of ducks should I get? lol
I have runner & pekin eggs available if you "need" some

Does anyone here use chicken saddles? I have about 5 hens who (apparently) are the roos' favorites. It gets really hot here in the summer tho, so not sure its a good idea. But, could their bare backs get sunburned?
Here's a link for anyone who doesn't know what they are.
Yes, they can get sunburned, but I have found that my birds refused to leave the saddles on. I would put them on & before I could even get out of the door & latch it they would have them off & thrown on the ground.

Ummm you mean there is veins to see? *runs to get flashlight*
I candled every egg in my bators last night EXCEPT the ones set for the hatch-a-long. (Had to make space for more eggs
Does anyone here use chicken saddles? I have about 5 hens who (apparently) are the roos' favorites. It gets really hot here in the summer tho, so not sure its a good idea. But, could their bare backs get sunburned?
Here's a link for anyone who doesn't know what they are.

Yes, I use them on a few of mine. I think I bought those exact ones and can recommend that seller.
Mine picked at them at first, but adapted. My girls had a large area with no feathers and I used Blu-kote and saddles. Seems to help.
I did set early so I candled today. Both Turkey eggs are developing and all but two of the 27 Guinea eggs are also.

I set 29 for the Hatch. That incubator also has 11 mallard duck eggs--I do not know how long they had been incubating before the farmer's goat ran of the duck.
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