**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

OK I'm in. I had major issues trying to hatch turkeys last time, but I was having a lot of hatching issues in general too. So now to hunt up eggs. If I don't, there's still my chickens and quail.
It could be better but not bad as you can buy live poults for $9 a piece from a hatchery. I would say $5 is more of a fair price for eggs as there is no guarantee that they will hatch. But allot better than buying them online and having to deal with shaken egg syndrome. Another plus is you can see the parents and the conditions they are subjected to. So not bad at all really.
I was curious also as to what people charge for their turkey eggs?

I gave away some a couple of weeks ago... so... 0

and last year i gave away some to another member on here.. again.. 0

and when I send eggs to work with my husband.. the price is always the same.. 0

Lol.. can you see a trend here?

and my last turkey hen has also gone broody as of today.. looks like I'm either gonna be overrun with poults or I'll be tossing a bunch of half developed eggs

now.. WHY do people keep calling me that???

I mean just because I give away eggs.. and point out where to find some cute chicks.. and offer to order chicks for people when I am placing an order...... and have told a few people I can set them up with some birds when my rare breed birds start to lay .. well... that doesn't make me an enabler....

nah... you have me confused with someone else!
Quote: I haven't candled that tray yet.

My hens have been laying two eggs per day since I set the first five. I KNOW the boys are doing their job (at least they're practicing). I feel SO sorry for those girls, the boys are HUGE.

Anyway, I'd saved 8 eggs so far for next week. Today they laid FIVE! I have seven hens, I knew they'd all start at the same time.

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