**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

What I find so very odd is the acoustic "boom" he produces under those feathers. Is this the "drumming" of which I've read? I thought that was the foot stamping....

However, the sound is amazing as it doesn't even sound like it's coming from him. Almost like he is surrounded by his own invisible, atmospheric phenomenon to create Turkey Thunder.
Exactly and I have six of them doing that all at once. I LOVE the sound.

The other thing I find funny, if you are trying to talk around their pen. Every sentence, they all gobble in unison. You have to talk quickly between gobbles.

How about a gobbling video contest?
How cute. What kind is he and/or she?

She came from a set of "mixed" eggs .. so she is either pure Toulouse or a Toulouse Sebastopol mix. (there were some Sebbies in the flock.. but chances are she's pure Toulouse)

and yeah.. she's a she.. you can tell by the down color
I just found the biggest egg I have ever seen in my life! 128 g and 3.5 inches long. I can't tell if it is a double yolk or not so I'm worried about setting it. Any ideas?

oh, Happy Easter.
Happy Easter, All!

My boys and I just got back in town and I wanted to share the coolest thing.

On our way out of town, we stopped to have lunch with my Dad and my sister. Sis asked about my birds and I told her about the egg shipping experiment. I told her where I have sent eggs and where/what I am getting for this hatch. A man approached the table and said he overheard and wondered if I wanted some bronze turkey eggs. "Free?" I asked with a smile. I have all I need, and then some for this hatch, already. He said no, he wanted to sell them. I told him I would make him a deal. If he gave me six eggs, I would keep one poult and give him back any others that hatch. He agreed! Looks like I will have
Black Spanish, Bourbon Reds, Bronze, and mystery breed turkeys for Cinco de Mayo!
Hey Wisher.....I've gotten you 4 BR Turkey eggs and three Duck eggs so far. Darn duck have been hiding eggs I just can't seem to find them. They are getting really good at it! I will be sending what I have tomorrow. Will send you a PM with the tracking # shortly afterword.
I have a few crossbred duck eggs and crossbred goose eggs if anybody is interested. I ask should have tutor eggs as well (I'm swimming in eggs right now)

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