**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Ooooohhhh Ron, have an update and some corrections for you. I will be getting duck eggs courtesy of babffel. They won't be shipped per say, she'll just bring them to work with her. Yup, I work with a BYCer, actually did for three months before finding out. Correction 1, the turkey eggs were sourced locally less than 2 miles from my house. Correction 2, you seem to be confused to my gender. . . . .yup, I'm a guy.

I just hope Wisher doesn't bring up "Thelma".
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Ooooohhhh Ron, have an update and some corrections for you. I will be getting duck eggs courtesy of Babfel. They won't be shipped per say, she'll just bring them to work with her. Yup, I work with a BYCer, actually did for three months before finding out. Correction 1, the turkey eggs were sourced locally less than 2 miles from my house. Correction 2, you seem to be confused to my gender. . . . .yup, I'm a guy.

I just hope Wisher doesn't bring up "Thelma".

Thank you sir!

I have updated the post.

Funny Story about the Turkey eggs developing for this hatch--They are wild turkey eggs!

Do they still need Tutors? I am really going to have to tell that Farmer to stop doing that.
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Candled today and it looks like 6 out of 8 developing. Left the two in for another week just to make sure! I hope everyone else is having good development and fertility.
Oh Wisher.....................................

Look what my two egg test hatch produced...........

And I really think (IMO) it is difficult to find a breed of chick with more striking markings.

(They're silver campines)
Look at the artwork!!

Here are my new ducklings we just picked up

Ducks are like no other creature . . . . .

Quote: I have a blue ameraucana on barred hens to make lt olive and med olive colored eggs from sexlinked hens. Love the blues . . . .

Quote: Messy bares repeating!! I brooded in plastic storage bins to control the water. I added straw each day and cleaned it all out once a week. Kept only a tiny water source, just large enough for one to swim in.
I just hope Wisher doesn't bring up "Thelma".

Wisher doesn't have to - I might!

Oops! You didn't see me here - ok? NOT hatching, not me, no sir - those Serama eggs are just enjoying the light of the bulb in that styrofoam cooler, yeah, that's it, can I help it if many, many chicks and duckies have come out of it over the years? All right, I admit I candled a couple just out of curiosity (the light mysteriously came on on 4/8) and I saw the cutest little itty bitty embryos, but these things sorta happen, ya know?

*tiptoeing away now*
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Candled a bit today...looks like I may get a couple of chicks out of the scores of eggs that I had set just prior to Easter which suffered the 12+ hours of 112*. I'll get my hopes up when I see a pip.

Most of the eggs I set with my turkey eggs are looking good, but it looks like my turkey eggs were only fertile from about a week prior to setting, so 3 dozen are clear out of the 4 dozen I set. It's okay, because I really don't need 48 poults!! I do have more eggs now, and I'm going to put up an auction for them.

I've also got sudden good production in the rest of my pens, so I'll be putting up auctions like mad for all of my other stuff, and I'm going to have to finally put up a sale page on my website since it looks like I'll have hundreds of chicks soon...Whee!!!!

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