**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Been absent for a while. Last Tues, we went to the store around 9:30pm, returning around 11:30, only to find one of our 1 year old puppies had suffered some slight injuries from an animal attack. Her injuries were not bad, from what we could see, but she had already gone into shock & died 2 hours later (April 17...the day before my birthday). As devastating as that has been, my 4 year old cat has some kind of fleshy growth in her nose that is interfering with her breathing. We've been hitting her with a wide spectrum of antibiotics (1 the vet prescribed & the other was by injection). There was some improvement initially, but the growth seems to be coming back. To biopsy it & take xrays, etc...is going to run me around $700. While I can handle that cost at the moment, I'm on reduced income due to being on workers comp for a back injury & have not worked for 6 months. DH is retired, but we've been making due. The cost the vet quoted is just diagnostic. Once we find out what it is, those costs will rise for treatment. I love this cat soooo very much!! I feel so helpless!
This growth may be a tumor & I have been reading about tumeric (curcumin) being something that may help. Anyone have experience with that? Overall, she seems to be acting normal again...except breathing like Darth Vader. While she has some of her appetite back, we are still force feeding her 2x/day to make sure she has enough. We also nebulize her with saline (Drs advice) for about 3-4 min after feedings.
I know this is way off topic, but I could really use some support right now. A friend suggested making a request for donations via Facebook. I am going to speak with the vet later today & ask if that can be set up so donations can go straight to the clinic.
Been absent for a while. Last Tues, we went to the store around 9:30pm, returning around 11:30, only to find one of our 1 year old puppies had suffered some slight injuries from an animal attack. Her injuries were not bad, from what we could see, but she had already gone into shock & died 2 hours later (April 17...the day before my birthday). As devastating as that has been, my 4 year old cat has some kind of fleshy growth in her nose that is interfering with her breathing. We've been hitting her with a wide spectrum of antibiotics (1 the vet prescribed & the other was by injection). There was some improvement initially, but the growth seems to be coming back. To biopsy it & take xrays, etc...is going to run me around $700. While I can handle that cost at the moment, I'm on reduced income due to being on workers comp for a back injury & have not worked for 6 months. DH is retired, but we've been making due. The cost the vet quoted is just diagnostic. Once we find out what it is, those costs will rise for treatment. I love this cat soooo very much!! I feel so helpless!
This growth may be a tumor & I have been reading about tumeric (curcumin) being something that may help. Anyone have experience with that? Overall, she seems to be acting normal again...except breathing like Darth Vader. While she has some of her appetite back, we are still force feeding her 2x/day to make sure she has enough. We also nebulize her with saline (Drs advice) for about 3-4 min after feedings.
I know this is way off topic, but I could really use some support right now. A friend suggested making a request for donations via Facebook. I am going to speak with the vet later today & ask if that can be set up so donations can go straight to the clinic.

Does the vet participate in the plan for a medical card? Most doctors, dentists and I know my vet do. It is a no interest credit card you can charge the expenses up to a set limit and you are given 1-2 years to pay off. I used the plan when I had $3,000 dentist bill. I figured I might as well use free money instead of taking the money from savings and losing the 0.1% interest (yeah right).

Hope your kitty is better and sorry about the puppy. Do you know what attacked it?

Getting my 600 egg bator!!!!!!!! WoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, you are SOOOOOOOO in trouble. I have 91 chicks brooding in my house right now (I'm not counting anything already outside), 80 eggs hatching right now, 100 quail eggs hatching right now, 200 more in the incubator and today is set day..............

Just saying, better be careful.........
since he was a BB the protein was too high.. I've had them die from the same thing when the protein was too high for them.. But Heritage turkeys do better on the higher protein feed... just gotta watch those broad breasted guys.. they will start out limping then keel over on you very quickly
I have a BBW poult that had funky wings when she came from the hatchery & started limping almost right away. The wings have mostly straightened out but her 1 knee is really bad & her toe tucks under on that side. I feed a mix of 22% & 18% mixed with corn, oats, sweet mix & beef chop (over 3/4 is crumbles) & she is the only bird with a problem with her legs. Pretty sure her's was poor breeding to begin with since she arrived with issues. She gets around ok, but limps really bad.
Getting my 600 egg bator!!!!!!!! WoOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
I have duckie eggs for sale

Quote: Is that all!!!
since he was a BB the protein was too high.. I've had them die from the same thing when the protein was too high for them.. But Heritage turkeys do better on the higher protein feed... just gotta watch those broad breasted guys.. they will start out limping then keel over on you very quickly
I have a BBW poult that had funky wings when she came from the hatchery & started limping almost right away. The wings have mostly straightened out but her 1 knee is really bad & her toe tucks under on that side. I feed a mix of 22% & 18% mixed with corn, oats, sweet mix & beef chop (over 3/4 is crumbles) & she is the only bird with a problem with her legs. Pretty sure her's was poor breeding to begin with since she arrived with issues. She gets around ok, but limps really bad.

sounds like her issue is genetic.. or a niacin deficiency

bad legs on a normal weight bird (for it's age) are usually caused by a lack of niacin, bad genes, or injury like a predator attack..
but if you have a "healthy" bird that is gaining weight rapidly (which is what the high protein feeds will do) their weight will cause leg issues since the bone isn't strong enough to support their weight.. in those birds a heart attack or flip usually comes soon after their legs start having issues... some will just up and die before that if too much bulk (fat usually) builds up around their hearts

the niacin issue can show up in both heritage and broad breasted birds (as well as other poultry like emu, ducks and geese)
but "flip" from too much protein is restricted to the fast growing birds like cornish cross, some strains of the 'freedom ranger" type birds and broad breasted turkeys

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