**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I know y'all have been dying to see the Extra Secure Long Sleeved Jacket made for me by SCG. I am not yet modeling it, but I certainly took photos of it and the lovely detail work. I had asked for paisley print - I think paisley is a nice touch for such a garment - and she obliged with a very nice "half-paisley" with tiny flowers in the background.

Isn't it clever and darling and wonderful????!!!???

Missing a piece (actually... two) aren't you?

:applause!: So lovely... And I would love to know where SCG got those poultry prints!

Ebay, baby. They were in the aisle next to the cornish hatching eggs

No, really. Tons of chicken fabric on there. Must. Stay. Away.
I have a fabric thing now that I sew. BF had to escort me past the fabric section in WalMart tonight after my haircut (I wanted to look cute for DiDi).

All six have something developing in 'em! Whoot!

I think you mean HOOT

Announcing the winners of the
Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon
Poultry Poetry Contest

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Thank you to all participants and those who helped us with the selection of winners by voting!

I had a great time giggling at the poems. Nicely done, everyone.

My poor little light Brahma Panda, is now walking with bowed legs. This is her egg inside an egg with a double yolK, so 3 yolks total, next to an extra large jersey giant egg. :eek: :lol: wish I had a scale.

My poor little light Brahma Panda, is now walking with bowed legs. This is her egg inside an egg with a double yolK, so 3 yolks total, next to an extra large jersey giant egg.
wish I had a scale.
Wow that is huge. I have one hen that lays abnormally JUMBO size eggs also. Im so nervous she is going to get severly hurt laying them or get egg bond. Ill take a pic of todays egg I cant get it in a carton.
here is my Barred Rocks egg

for size difference added other eggs

Bantam egg, Bantam egg, Reg LG Barred Rock egg, turkey egg, Abnormally large Barred Rock egg

Barred Rock eggs from 2 dif hens
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My poor little light Brahma Panda, is now walking with bowed legs. This is her egg inside an egg with a double yolK, so 3 yolks total, next to an extra large jersey giant egg.
wish I had a scale.
Holy cow!!!

here is my Barred Rocks egg

for size difference added other eggs

Bantam egg, Bantam egg, Reg LG Barred Rock egg, turkey egg, Abnormally large Barred Rock egg

Barred Rock eggs from 2 dif hens
I had a hen give us our 1st double yolker ever a week or so ago. It was as big as my pekin duck eggs. It wouldn't fit in the carton either.

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