**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Ali, it probably wouldn't happen with the EcoGlow50, as each leg is a small diameter pole, each adjustable instead of the two end panels of the 20 model. I loaned out my 50 to someone raising batches of meaties (35 chicks) because I didn't hatch any more.... Um... Until this Easter and THIS hatch. :rolleyes:

But the chicks/poults get between the 20's end panels and the side of a brooder bin.... So I try to place it so there is more than a chick's width all the way around it.

Have you ever noticed chicks - and grown chickens! - cannot seem to back up? The always go forward, and when they encounter a barrier, they need room to turn around. They just do not move in reverse in small spaces. But they go INTO small places.

These are just my observations.
Quote: I have the 20. my brooder for small hatches or bantams is a 105 qt clear tote, I have it in the small end, I think that is my first mistake. I am going to move it to the middle of the long side for the next time I use it. That way there is enough room on either side for them not to get stuck.
Ooopsie daisy, 3 more eggs somehow ended up into the incubator. I'm so clumsy sometimes.

Have you ever noticed chicks - and grown chickens! - cannot seem to back up? The always go forward, and when they encounter a barrier, they need room to turn around. They just do not move in reverse in small spaces. But they go INTO small places.

These are just my observations.
I normally hatch eggs in cartons. With quail eggs, I use the lid from the carton and stand the eggs side by side to support each other on end. It has worked well for me.

I just hatched 40ish quail last week and I saw the same thing. I saw one quail chick on it's side in the carton lid under some egg shells. I just assumed it was a frail chick. When the hatch was finished and I could start taking out the chicks and shells, I saw the actual problem. Think about the two holes on the side of an egg carton lid, where the tab goes through to hold it closed. A quail chick had crawled through the hole and was stuck half in and half out. It had been stuck that way for HOURS. I had to tear the paperboard to release it, it was truly wedged in. Then it just lay there weak. I gave it a drop of Poly-vi-Sol and took the rest of the little cannibals out of the incubator. It got private accommodations for a few hours. When I went back to check, it was up running around and got moved in with the rest of the hatch.

No reverse!
I have about 5 going in lockdown today (mixed banty chicks) & 4 pekin ducks trying to hatch right now. Then scattered over the next wee & a half are pekins, runners, calls, toulouse, silkies, oegb, bantam orps, & rouens. Arriving to be set next week are guineas, quail, anconas, runners, silkies, cayaugas, & maybe scovies, welshies, turkeys & sebbies. Plus I'll set whatever of my own goose & turkey eggs I get to check fertility. Looks like another bator is in order since mine are all full.

OH, and anyone wanting runner, pekin, EE/layer LF, EE bantam or coturnix PM me & we can either swap or you can buy at discount. I'm DROWNING IN EGGS AGAIN!!!!

*must resist*... but oh so tempting!

My internet and computer haven't been speaking to each other today.. my husband had no problem getting his laptop to connect.. but my old beast just refused to speak to it..

I feel like I've missed so much.. lol
I didn't really set any tutor eggs, but based on my notebook, I have chicks due to hatch 4/28 and 5/2. Do you think that will be OK?

I have decided I am giving my friend all the turkeys that hatch, even though I bought 3 of the eggs. I really don't have a place for them right now. There is always next year for me to get some for me.
I didn't really set any tutor eggs, but based on my notebook, I have chicks due to hatch 4/28 and 5/2. Do you think that will be OK?

I have decided I am giving my friend all the turkeys that hatch, even though I bought 3 of the eggs. I really don't have a place for them right now. There is always next year for me to get some for me.
The four poults that I just hatched, I just put them in with chicks that were about five days old. They've done fine together.
Last year I set tutors and turkeys at the same time so the chicks were a week old when the poults hatched. It worked out quite well.
I took some pictures of one of my splash Blue Egg Layers from the UofArkansas last weekend.

Forgive me if I posted this here already.

These are Blue\black Australorps and a couple of Black Penedesenca chicks:

Such beautiful colors!

My little turkey died
Probably my fault as I didn't check on him since it was eating and drinking with some other chicks. I think it got stuck between wall of brooder and eco-glo This is the second time it's happened

I am so sorry.
Quote: Resistance is FUTILE! You will be ASSIMILATED!!!
Looky what hatches from them

I didn't really set any tutor eggs, but based on my notebook, I have chicks due to hatch 4/28 and 5/2. Do you think that will be OK?

I have decided I am giving my friend all the turkeys that hatch, even though I bought 3 of the eggs. I really don't have a place for them right now. There is always next year for me to get some for me.
They will be fine. I actually prefer my tutors a few days older than my poults.

Quote: Yep, it works.

Quote: That works too.

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