**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I think my hatch is done. I had 8 total, but one died while I was napping. DH didn't want to wake me. She was weak last night so I dipped her in vitamin water & she perked up. That may have been Oreo's baby (the hen I lost a couple weeks ago).
My neighbor found an abandoned nest where there was one cold wet chick clinging to life & 3 more eggs. She asked me to put into my incubator.
My Flarry eye grey was picking on the new babies so I put her in the outside brooder over night with her little friend, a borrowed chick from my neighbor after my other feg died. The really sad thing is the borrowed chick died last night. I felt terrible because she was getting along with the babies. I just needed to separate the feg & couldn't put her by herself. I'm a chick killer :.(
Out of all, I have 2 cl (boy & girl), 2 gl Brahma, 1 ee, 1 bcm, & 1 mystery chick
I candled my turkey eggs since I had some Araucana eggs in with them that I wanted to put under a hen tonight. I have:
3 Royal Palm x Gold Narragansett(shipped from krazykat)
8 Midget White (shipped from flocksalot)
6 Bourbon Red (picked up from Franzen Farms)
6 Standard Bronze (picked up from Franzen Farms)
23 looking good!!

Only six days until hatch!!
I am worried about the size of the air cells. They just didn't get as big as they should have. I stopped adding water completely at day 12 and they haven't lost enough since then. Anyone have any suggestions? Should I increase humidity for lockdown as usual or wait til tomorrow night? Or til first pip? Anyone?
OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd! I have an early hatcher! Today is supposed to be lockdown (day 25). I go to add water and lock peeps down, and there's a stinker zipping!!!!!!!!!

Worst part? Didn't notice until the incubator was open! I moistened the membrane, added the water, and put the lid back on, but now I feel like an arse. Aarrrg. Hatch baby hatch!
Wisher, I'd wait until tomorrow. If one does pip during that time the moisture from the egg will probably bring up the humidity level 7 to 10%. What is the humidity now?

Pele what are you hatching? If the humidity isn't over 55%, for turkeys, or 75% for ducks slide in a wet paper towel near him. It'll help some. I've made the same mistake with my chooks. Though when the rest start pipping the level will skyrocket!
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I hope I have at least one or two naked necks by this time next week. I won't do the final candle until Thursday evening.
OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd! I have an early hatcher! Today is supposed to be lockdown (day 25). I go to add water and lock peeps down, and there's a stinker zipping!!!!!!!!!

Worst part? Didn't notice until the incubator was open! I moistened the membrane, added the water, and put the lid back on, but now I feel like an arse. Aarrrg. Hatch baby hatch!

I have guineas hatching early too. Yesterday morning I went out to check on the incubator and add more water and 2 had hatched and 1 was almost fully zipped. They weren't due until Friday. Very strange.
SilkieSensation, it's most likely my error, since I have two more pips this morning. The first little bugger finished hatching at 6am with a little help. I normally don't help, but I noticed that he pipped at the wrong end of the egg, and had completed his zip, but it was too narrow for him to get leverage to push the cap off.

It was funny to watch him come out butt-first though :p. I think turning the eggs till hatch disoriented them, because I have another pip at the wrong end. Ack, these turkeys are going to be the death of me!

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