**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

Originally Posted by SilkieSensation

Originally Posted by Sally Sunshine

Thanks SS, I am a worry wart with all this new stuff, the buttons scare me they are so tiny! I lost one in that tiny waterer! drowned! but she was smallest and weak and I think the other boogers trampled her! I want to make sure these guys get the best care, and I certainly appreciate all the help I can get with them all! When can you tell a male from female?
Not sure on sexing buttons but would assume sexing them is similar to sexing coturnix. I always put tissue in my waterers for quail. Marbles or rocks leave gaps for them to fall in or get their legs caught in. Tissue allows them to walk right across the water & only toes get wet. They just suck the water right up from the tissue & it sinks with the water level. I have never lost a quail baby to drowning since I started using this method.
I haven't had a single problem with water and quail chicks since I'm using paper towels in the water. They really do just walk right over it and even sleep on it.

Well, we went to get feed for the quail chicks this morning and found out they're out until Friday.
Went back a few hours ago because my mom wanted some of the mallard ducklings they had. They were out.
Again, they won't have any until Friday. If I manage to sell the 5 evil hens before then I'll be getting Guinea keets if they still have them. I really hope they still have them!
Your quail can eat whatever you have been feeding the rest of the chicks. You may just have to crush it up a little. I feed mine the same fermented mix my other babies get & they all ate the same when I used to feed dry too.

Quote: I hatch ducks in still air at 50-65%. If you have forced air you will need to go a bit higher to 60-80% because the fan will dry out the membranes too quickly for the slow duckies to get out. The only time I have ever let my humidity go above 80% I lost almost everything in that hatch. From what yinepu tells me, it was because the humidity was saturating the air too much & they weren't getting enough oxygen. I never let humidity go above 60% for chicks or above 70% for ducks anymore & hatch rates have been much better.

To the person who lost a lot of embryos... keep incubating, they may hatch. If they don't in another 2 days, I'd do an eggtopsy. Depending on the stage, it'll tell you when they died. Often if you have a large die off like that you can say it's probably a temp spike, bacterial infection in the incubator (those of you done hatching don't forget to clean AND disinfect the incubator) and less likely but still possible majorly wonky humidity.

And then keep incubating some more and get better at it!

The split wing is pretty normal from my experience... my turkeys with it were fine as adults.

Well... as fine as fine can be. She's still looking for love in all the wrong places. I do hope I hatched her a boyfriend this time.

SHE'S GORGEOUS!!! You can send her to me if you can't find her a boyfriend. I'm sure Tom can handle another girl or 2. He only has 2 girls so far.

All we have is medicated chick started. I read somewhere that it can make them sterile (not sure if that's true or not) and I know it doesn't have the protein that they need. They've been loving the finely chopped egg I've been feeding them.

I don't feed medicated to ANY of my birds so not sure about that 1. I feed starter/grower that is 18% protein or meatbird crumbles that are 22% protein. Usually I mix the 2 together but have fed both separately when all I had was 1 or the other. Mine have always done fine on regular old chick feed.
Ok...i have a still air, and it's hanging at about 65% and the plugs are out...so I'll leave it for a couple days and hope for the best. Thanks so much! (Oh, and DH has officially made fun of me for "being so worried" about the eggs.)
<--- That's what I think about that.
Ok...i have a still air, and it's hanging at about 65% and the plugs are out...so I'll leave it for a couple days and hope for the best. Thanks so much! (Oh, and DH has officially made fun of me for "being so worried" about the eggs.)
<--- That's what I think about that.
Sometimes we tend to way over think this whole hatching process. I guarantee temps & humidity fluctuate under broody hens & the babies still hatch. I just keep mine remotely close & leave the rest to the babies.

Also, once your hatch day arrives, leave the house for as much of the day as you can so you aren't tempted to open the bator during hatch. You do more damage opening the bator too much than you manage to "help."
I'm pretty sure my hatch is done, with five "tutor" chicks and two poults. From past experience, I know those two poults may still experience death by misadventure before they mature.

But right now, they're cute little buggers, "whut whut-"ing from under the EcoGlow. If size is any indication, I may have a pair.
I'm pretty sure my hatch is done, with five "tutor" chicks and two poults. From past experience, I know those two poults may still experience death by misadventure before they mature.

But right now, they're cute little buggers, "whut whut-"ing from under the EcoGlow. If size is any indication, I may have a pair.
Give them about a week & the boy should be noticeably bigger than the girl.
To the person who lost a lot of embryos... keep incubating, they may hatch. If they don't in another 2 days, I'd do an eggtopsy. Depending on the stage, it'll tell you when they died. Often if you have a large die off like that you can say it's probably a temp spike, bacterial infection in the incubator (those of you done hatching don't forget to clean AND disinfect the incubator) and less likely but still possible majorly wonky humidity.

And then keep incubating some more and get better at it!

The split wing is pretty normal from my experience... my turkeys with it were fine as adults.

Well... as fine as fine can be. She's still looking for love in all the wrong places. I do hope I hatched her a boyfriend this time.

She is VERY pretty!!!!! She has a sweet face.
Thanks for the help SS...I will leave them alone for the next couple days unless I need to add water through the holes....no openings or candling though! Promise!
Come on duckies!

wildriverswolf90, cute chicks!!!!

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