**~~>>Second Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon<<~~**all poultry welcome!

I found this on sexing them but only after 8 weeks

Sexing Turkeys—Toms vs. Hens
By Alicia Moulton, USU Extension Ag/4-H Agent
waiting for it to load-- thanks for sharing.

Quote: I talked to Kevin Porter last summer and he said it is a growth phase, I was worried about angelwing or split wing. IT's a turkey thing.

Quote: You have a keen eye!
Originally Posted by SilkieSensation

Originally Posted by Sally Sunshine

Thanks SS, I am a worry wart with all this new stuff, the buttons scare me they are so tiny! I lost one in that tiny waterer! drowned! but she was smallest and weak and I think the other boogers trampled her! I want to make sure these guys get the best care, and I certainly appreciate all the help I can get with them all! When can you tell a male from female?
Not sure on sexing buttons but would assume sexing them is similar to sexing coturnix. I always put tissue in my waterers for quail. Marbles or rocks leave gaps for them to fall in or get their legs caught in. Tissue allows them to walk right across the water & only toes get wet. They just suck the water right up from the tissue & it sinks with the water level. I have never lost a quail baby to drowning since I started using this method.
I haven't had a single problem with water and quail chicks since I'm using paper towels in the water. They really do just walk right over it and even sleep on it.

Well, we went to get feed for the quail chicks this morning and found out they're out until Friday.
Went back a few hours ago because my mom wanted some of the mallard ducklings they had. They were out.
Again, they won't have any until Friday. If I manage to sell the 5 evil hens before then I'll be getting Guinea keets if they still have them. I really hope they still have them!
Your quail can eat whatever you have been feeding the rest of the chicks. You may just have to crush it up a little. I feed mine the same fermented mix my other babies get & they all ate the same when I used to feed dry too.
All we have is medicated chick started. I read somewhere that it can make them sterile (not sure if that's true or not) and I know it doesn't have the protein that they need. They've been loving the finely chopped egg I've been feeding them.

I don't feed medicated to ANY of my birds so not sure about that 1. I feed starter/grower that is 18% protein or meatbird crumbles that are 22% protein. Usually I mix the 2 together but have fed both separately when all I had was 1 or the other. Mine have always done fine on regular old chick feed.
Our feed store stopped selling regular chick starter for some reason. That was all we ever bought.
Sorry it took so long, but here is the contents of the mystery box i won! A customized chicken watching kit!

As for my hatch, it was disappointing, 4/27 Turkey, 3/3 SFH, 2/3 barnyard mix. I have no luck with shipped eggs, plus they hung in PO an extra day, so much for thanksgiving, lol
Our feed store stopped selling regular chick starter for some reason. That was all we ever bought.
The mill I get mine from special orders mine when I need it. They tell me I'm the only 1 who ever buys it. Apparently no one else in the area gets their chick feed there. Rural King is the only other place in the area I've found that carries the non-medicated stater/grower & since I can add the baby food to my monthly bill at the mill I try to get as much of it there as I can & pay everything off the beginning of each month & start again for the next month. I can order my grains already premixed with the molasses added (I feed this to the rabbits too) and bagged 500 pounds at a time for almost $100 cheaper than what I buy it all separate for so I get a lot of my stuff there. Plus Rural King doesn't sell layer mash, just pellets & crumbles & the mash is cheaper.
Now that most of the Hatch insanity is over (but there's still more OTHER kinds afoot) I thought I'd finally share photos of me modeling the Extra Secure Long Sleeved jacket SCG designed and created for me.


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