Second egg.......


8 Years
May 19, 2011
Central Illinois
The first egg I got was 2 days after bringing my hens home. My lovely GSD puppy stole it straight from the egg basket and ate it before I could get a picture, she's lucky I love her.

So this morning I got my second egg! They have been at my house for a week and a half now. But as you can see this wasn't ideal.

It was right next to the door leading out of the coop into the run so I'm thinking that it got stepped all over when they came out when I was feeding and then they thought "Yum egg". If chickens think. The jury's still out on mine.

I put some golf balls in a couple of the nesting boxes hoping that will help them use the boxes.

At least I got a pic of this egg.
Sorry about the egg! When our smallest hen started laying she'd lay right inside the door. After the RIR started laying in the nesting boxes she got the idea. Mainly I think due to the fact one day we didn't hunt for eggs (I fractured my foot) so the small one found out where to lay. :) Good luck and think of it as the third time is a charm
Sorry about the egg! When our smallest hen started laying she'd lay right inside the door. After the RIR started laying in the nesting boxes she got the idea. Mainly I think due to the fact one day we didn't hunt for eggs (I fractured my foot) so the small one found out where to lay. :) Good luck and think of it as the third time is a charm

You were so right! Went home at lunch and checked out in the coop! This one was not in a nesting box but my little spitfire hen, Reba was laying in this corner all morning while I was out feeding and watering and what do you know but there was an egg! Intact!!!



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