Second go around with a new flock! Hi from PNW

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Are you brooding the new chicks with your lone girl?
How did you reinforce their housing after the attack? That must have been horrible!
I didn’t brood them with her because she was NOT a fan in enclosed spaces but I would bring them out to the yard under the tree and she would come check them out and I would give them all meal worms and treats and she didn’t seem to mind them. I slowly integrated them into her run (16x8 dog run with chicken wire reinforced EVERYWHERE, it’s Fort Knox now) I used a large dog crate and put it sideways so they could explore but escape if she picked at them ( and she did for a while) now they are co mingling great so I am transitioning them into her coop at night (I close and lock the door) she is not a fan and CHEWS me out even in the dark lol I have been getting up super early to open them up so she doesn’t pick on them and today I went and got a wire basket to put in there so they have refuge incase she acts like me without coffee before I get out there LOL here’s hoping it works!! I have a welsummer, Polish crested, buff orpington, and two black feather footed ones (can’t remember the name)…. They’re so much fun and getting real friendly with me.
We have doubled the wiring on their run, added motion lights and reinforced the coop door to close had at night. I was crushed each time I went out there and had one less.
Welcome. I am so sorry for your losses. What did you do to make sure they will not get attacked again? We can help here. Most of us are 1/2 inch hardware cloth fans and make large runs with top, sides and hardware cloth aprons to keep our chickens safe.
Thank you!!! Yep that’s pretty much what we did … motion lights, wire and more wire… stakes and the whole shebang. I feel like we got it to Fort Knox level lol
Chicken wire isn't predator proof. Can you post pictures of your setup?
It’s fine, it’s the small 1/2 inch, pulled and wired tight inside of the chain link run, aproned and staked down. I close and lock them in the coop at night which is made of wood, long narrow windows with a locking door. That’s when the attacks were happening

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