Seems like it took FOREVER!!

I thought I was going to put my nesting boxes on top of the shelf in my coop about 3 feet high but I read in my chicken magazine that the boxes are supposed to be lower than the roosts. Should I reconsider and mount them under the shelf or lower? My coop is only 4X8 feet so I'm trying to use as much of it as I can.
I got my first egg yesterday! I felt really bad. All our girls and our boy were 19 weeks wednesday. I haven't gotten time to build them nesting boxes. I was under the impression that if they are gonna lay they will lay even without a nest box. But wed. I went ahead and made a temporary box and added 2 fake eggs. Imagine my surprise when i found a perfectly shaped, but small egg, the next morning:)

We have 3 buff orpingtons, 3 rhode island reds, 2 easter eggers, and a male and female pair of partridge wyandotte bantams.

The color of the egg doesn't show up in pics but it has a blue/green tint. So although they all have bright red combs and wattles, and several are squatting when approached, I believe the egg is from an EE.

The lil cockerel found his crow a couple weeks ago. It cracks me up to hear such a big sound out of the lil guy! He is trying his best to mate every one of the girls. Also fun to watch as the big girls shake him off and seem annoyed!

I will try to post a pic of the egg next to a store bought large white egg.. No eggs today.
congrats.. I am still waiting but I think I have a couple weeks to go yet. I am very happy for you and any one else getting first eggs
I am very happy for all of you and I am still waiting. Some of you said something about signs the hen gives prior to the firs egg. Can anyone tell me what to look for or what to read about it? Thanks so much and again congrats!!!!
Thank ya!

I think its a weekly, and I think you subscribe to it when you sign up on BYC, I guess you can probably opt out too.  The subject line is "Keeping Chickens With Other Livestock & BYC Mousepads"  This thread is in the "Hot topics" area on the bottom of the email!   :D

Ha! I may have opted out. Or I may not check my email unless I'm expecting something important. :oops: That's funny though. I created a "hot topic"!
I am very happy for all of you and I am still waiting. Some of you said something about signs the hen gives prior to the firs egg. Can anyone tell me what to look for or what to read about it? Thanks so much and again congrats!!!!

I learned here and then witnessed in my own flock...
Combs and wattles turn bright red, when you approach a pullet she will kinda squat down for you like she would a rooster. Some of mine became more vocal. One who has always been quite flighty suddenly wants to be friends. Also, mine took a real interest in the free choice oyster shell. Good luck!
I thought I was going to put my nesting boxes on top of the shelf in my coop about 3 feet high but I read in my chicken magazine that the boxes are supposed to be lower than the roosts. Should I reconsider and mount them under the shelf or lower? My coop is only 4X8 feet so I'm trying to use as much of it as I can.

I'm no expert. I would suggest putting the nesting boxes lower than the roosts though. Mine aren't a lot lower. They instinctively want to roost as high as they can for safety. If they take to roosting in nests they'll poop there too. Hard to keep it very clean and your eggs will get dirty.
Send some of your egg mojo to my girls... I think they are too content and spoiled so they think they are too good to lay eggs and lose their girlish figures!!!!!

I had told mine that anyone who didn't make eggs would make noodles. They realized noodles require both chicken and eggs. We were at a stale mate until I told them I would celebrate my first egg with a steak dinner.

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