

In the Brooder
Dec 11, 2018
I have a crested duck I have been having her for 2 1/2 months now. She have been having seizures back to back and I am so afraid its going to become fatal. Her first seizure was two weeks ago. She started trembling very hard and was walking like she was dizzy. Yesterday afternoon me and my kids was rubbing her and she had a seizure again. She flipped her wings and left them in the air and laid her body flat on the ground while turning her head in a circle. It scared me and my children were didn't know what to do. That seizure lasted for 3 to 4 minutes then, she was OK. I hugged her and rubbed her then, again it happened again back to back seizures. Today she did it 2 times again. I called a Avian and Exotic clinic and got her a appointment for Thursday. I am afraid it she keeps having seizures back to back she not gonna make it. I asked the lady at the clinic what can I do and she told me there is nothing I can do but, make sure she don't hit her head or hurt herself. I am so afraid for her and it hurts me dearly to see my duck go through that. If anyone knows anything about duck and seizures can you please help me. Thanks!
do the seizures happen after you rub her?and it might be something that she is lacking like a certain kind of vitamin.and where did you get hr from?
The seizures would happen out of no where. She could be drinking water and it happens. She would be outside playing and it would happened. She was a crest duck and I've read that because of the poof on top of their head their skull isn't fully development and it can cause them to have neurological and epilepsy issues that causes seizures. I took her to the vet and they told me and my kids that the seizures weren't going to stop and eventually it would take her. I didn't want her to suffer anymore and she had stopped eating so we decided to let the vet put her down. The first pic is my duck at the vet she had just got through having a seizure and she would not stand up. After the vet gave her a shot in her hip to put her to sleep. After she went to sleep they say they give a solution drug to make her heart stop beating. I didnt stay to see that. I was very upset crying and had to leave out the room.

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