Selling our first coop - Need help pricing!


10 Years
Sep 6, 2010
We are selling the coop my husband made two years ago. There is a chicken coop tour in our area next weekend, so the timing is good. My question is what we should ask for it?
It is roughly 5 x 8 feet, and designed well.
Some features:
external nest boxes
no chicken wire - all hardware cloth - totally secure to the rafters
screened window for ventilation on the roost
built in floor
gutters (not pictured)
removable panels - the entire bottom is screened open for air flow
roof does not leak
easy access for cleaning
built on skids for easier transport

It's not perfect, it has been used and much of the material was recycled, but it is solid and very functional. I've seen how much people are selling crappy coops for...just wondering what you all think we can get for it.

Around here, a chicken tractor is around $250 from what I've seen. Your coop is better than the $250 ones, I would price it at around $300-$500. But, keep in mind, I'm in Arkansas where housing costs are relatively low.

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