Separating and Reuniting Chicks?


9 Years
Jan 11, 2011
Central Coast, CA
So at two weeks old my eight chicks are already outgrowing their brooder box and are filling up their water container with shavings like 3 times a day. So i moved half of them to another small cage in an effort to cut down on traffic a little.

I am acquiring a larger coop to put them in when they are a bit older until the are big enough to move into the big chicken coop. Do you think their reunion in a few weeks will produce a lot of fighting and injury?

Maybe I should find something bigger to keep them all together in...
I really don't think so.

Chicks seem fairly amiable while still young. I don't think there will be any problems if they are reintroduced at 6 weeks old or so. Especially if the number of birds in each "group" is fairly even.

What you wouldn't want would be to only take like 2 or 3 birds out of a group of 10-15 and then put them back several weeks later.

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