Separating bantams and standards

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
So I am planning on keeping my banties and standards separate once I build a bigger run for my 2cd coop. I right now only have 2 bantams, a silkie hen and a silkie roo. I am planning to get more such as d'uccles, frizzle cochin, serama, ect ect. I also want to get maybe 1 Ameraucana hen and 1 roo, 1 blue laced red wyandotte and a speckled Sussex. So I am sure separate coops and runs is best. I don't want the silkie boy fighting with a Ameraucana roo and a will be able to get more chickens by separating and building a bigger run for the bantams. I just wanted to share this plan with everyone so thanks for reading!
Raised in conjunction with large fowl, bantams generally do quite well in mixed flocks. Introducing bantams to an established large fowl flock is a different story, and Polish present a totally different problem.
Raised in conjunction with large fowl, bantams generally do quite well in mixed flocks. Introducing bantams to an established large fowl flock is a different story, and Polish present a totally different problem.
I have successfully had the silkies with the large fowl, but I am planning on getting some more bantams and my large fowl can be Jerks. My totally sweet EE attacked my bcm and blue orp when I bought them in. And they pick on the newbies ALOT they corner them sometimes. Also I want to get a Ameraucana roo for breeding and I don't want my silkie to get beat up. And one more reason is I will be able to get more chickens this way and I have a 10 lb huge bcm that I think stepped on my young pullet one time.
So I am planning on keeping my banties and standards separate once I build a bigger run for my 2cd coop. I right now only have 2 bantams, a silkie hen and a silkie roo. I am planning to get more such as d'uccles, frizzle cochin, serama, ect ect. I also want to get maybe 1 Ameraucana hen and 1 roo, 1 blue laced red wyandotte and a speckled Sussex. So I am sure separate coops and runs is best. I don't want the silkie boy fighting with a Ameraucana roo and a will be able to get more chickens by separating and building a bigger run for the bantams. I just wanted to share this plan with everyone so thanks for reading!
Sounds so exciting. Can't wait to see/read about it.

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