Sept 1 hatch, culling bad eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 7, 2011
Well at day 14 I finally had the chance to cull the bad eggs. Out of 30 set eggs, I had 10 non fertile and 1 that was cracked but growing until yesterday. Candled a tonight and got a whiff of the bad one. So I decided to take out the bad one and the 10 non fertiles. The rest of the other 19 are growing fine. This is my first attempt in the 1950's Brower redwood incubator. Just cosmetically restored this bator to a beautiful piece of furniture. I did not have to touch the interior or working parts. So far it has been holding at 99 degrees and 52% humidity. Just had the water pan remade, because the original is full of pin holes and would not hold water. Waiting for lock down to put in the new pan.

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