In the Brooder
I bought a pair of seramas last week and they are acting really dumb!? I have them in a tractor and they are eating and drinking fine, red combs and wattles. But they act like they don't know what to do. I have to put them in the coop at night and pretty much make them get out otherwise they will stay inside all day which is not good cuz the water is outside in the run. It's below 50* right now and has been right around freezing over night. Their coop is solid plywood with closed Windows and packed with hay. In the run during the colder days like today, I have a heat lamp but they don't use it. They actually avoid it. I know the run isn't hot because it's all chicken wire. They seem perfectly fine other than the fact they don't know what to do. Did I buy dumb chickens? What could cause them to be this way? Their not active AT ALL, which is not a characteristic of the Seramas. Thank s