Set 9/4 48 Araucana eggs. Any hatch buddies?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Wichita Falls, Texas
I have 48 Araucana eggs I set this morning at about 10:00. I know yesterday would have been better, but I had incubator issues.
All good now and temp and humidity are looking good. *crosses fingers* I know Araucanas have viability issues, and the postal service has issues with "please handle gently, hatching eggs inside" issues, but I'm hoping for the best. I want a yard full of buttless babies !!!! My three ebay, mutt Araucanas need a bigger family. Thanks again to Smoothmule and Ray_n_Debi !! Great packaging and beautiful eggs !!! Loads of extras too !!! I'm so jazzed !!!! I LOVE MY SILLY OL' CHICKENS !!!!!!
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I guess I can hatch with you but I have ducks eggs that have been in for a week tomarrow, is that ok?
I'm a newbie but I set 9 mutts from my Backyard this morning, so if your up for stupid questions I'm in! I have two tan eggs I think are from one of my Silkies, four green eggs from my EE, and three browns from either my red hen or the barred one. There are four roo's running around out there a Light Brahma, two cocky little bas___s the guy at the feed store said were "mini chickens" and a Red roo. The Brahma is alpha so he's probably poppa but I've seen the Red one sneak in a little lovin once in a while!

I set a few eggs today too ee /bs maran cross and Salmon Faverolles. I'm not sure if they're fertile, guess I'll find out next week.
So m y LG incubator (w fan) is holding steady at 99.9 by my digital thermometer with the probe in the box at top of egg height. The room humidity is 40% and I filled all of the water rings when I set up the bator saturday. Does all of this sound OK so far?

Thanks for the reply and advice! All the plugs are out. I'm in Las Vegas but I run a swamp cooler most of the time which keeps the humidity in the house up, I had to switch to A/C today because there are thunder storms in the area.
I've nothing due when your chicks are due to hatch, but, congrats on the eggs! I love Ray_n_Debi's duckwing Araucanas and I love Smoothmules' duckwing Araucanas as well!
I hope you get some very nice chicks.
I'll join in! I set 12 Cuckoo Marans on 9-3. These are shipped eggs so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck everyone! It will be fun to keep up with everyones progress :)
I have a Hovabator with an automatic turner and mechanical wafer thermostat. I installed a fan on it this week prior to setting the eggs and the temp. holds so much better now. Some day I need to get a real incubator with an electronic thermostat like real chicken people have. lol

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