Set eggs 5-12 Looking for hatching buddies


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
Ratcliff, AR
I have 120 eggs in two different incubators. 42 in my new LG at home and 78 in the neighbor's cabinet.

I am going to attempt to candle tomorrow or Friday.

I have never hatched them myself before. I would love someone to share experience with.
Wow that's a lot of eggs! i have 12 eggs in a small homemade incubator! i began incubation on the 6th. Even though mine will probably hatch before yours, I would love to be your Hatching Buddy!
I set 32 eggs last night in my LG. 8 cuckoo marans, 4 black copper marans, 2 batam wyandottes, and 18 EE's. I'll try to remember to look for this post, but I don't do much when I incubate. I have never had any luck candling so I just don't bother with it. About the only thing I watch is the temp to make sure it doesn't spike on me. For humidity it's either dry (first 18 days) or humidity (last 3+ days). So I guess what I am trying to say is I probably won't be a real active participant, but I like to read about what others are doing/experiencing and can offer up what little I know on the subject. I have only ever incubated one other batch back on Easter. I managed to hatch 14 out of 24 eggs set. Out of the eggs that did not hatch I had one that was not fertile. the other 9 were fully developed and did not pip internally or otherwise.
Welcome, everyone. Sounds like most of us can learn together. So far my LG has been holding steady at 101.5 on top of eggs still air model. I am in AR so the humidity here is always high. I put water in initially and am leaving it thru lock down and will add more at that time.

Moe, you said you don't normally candle. Do you just keep a watch (sniff) to make sure nothing goes bad?

Cinnamon, looking forward to yours pipping and using that as incentive for mine. I have some bantam eggs which I have heard tend to hatch early. I have a mixed group of Silver Phoenix, White Silkies, Black Sumatras, Salmon Faverolles, Sicilian Buttercup bantams, and Araucanas.

MMB and anbsmom, sounds like we will be right there together. Fingers crossed for everyone.

Welcome, everyone. Sounds like most of us can learn together. So far my LG has been holding steady at 101.5 on top of eggs still air model. I am in AR so the humidity here is always high. I put water in initially and am leaving it thru lock down and will add more at that time.

Moe, you said you don't normally candle. Do you just keep a watch (sniff) to make sure nothing goes bad?

Cinnamon, looking forward to yours pipping and using that as incentive for mine. I have some bantam eggs which I have heard tend to hatch early. I have a mixed group of Silver Phoenix, White Silkies, Black Sumatras, Salmon Faverolles, Sicilian Buttercup bantams, and Araucanas.

MMB and anbsmom, sounds like we will be right there together. Fingers crossed for everyone.

Opps I set mine on 5/11, doing dry hatch this time also, Fingers crossed, I had some eggs in the Mothers Day hatch along that my bater temp took a nosedive on the last 5 days and they all died. I have 5 thermometers in with this small batch, lol
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Yes I just use the sniff test and watch for weepers. My first hatch was during the BIG easter day hatch along here. After 24 days I pulled the plug and inspected the eggs that did not hatch. I had only one that was not fertile, but it never did smell or weep. I was so worried after hearing people say they had one that exploded all over the inside. I now know they "can" go the distance, undeveloped, and it is not necessarily certain doom.

Hands off the incubators follks!
I set 42 eggs on saturday too! This is my first hatch in an incubator. I'm using a hovabator 1620 still air!
I set 4 bantam white leghorns, 8 black tailed white japanese bantams, and 30 blue silkie eggs! The temp is holding at 101. And the humidity is at 38% I know its alil high but I'm actually using the dry incubation method, but all the rain and heat here, is making the house humid!
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I have some to hatch this next week but just put in 11 ee eggs so heres hopeing they hatch too. It will work out that my second batch should hatch 2 weeks after the first. So I can help out a little on this. This will be my 3rd attempt. First se3t of eggs all 30 plus eggs not fertile at all. Second batch down to 28 mix oof wyanndottes,silkis, ducccles, seramas, cochins, and frizzles most are bantams except wyanndottes. Ordered some life babies will be here next thur or fdriday got one sussex male, 4 blue/red laced wyanndottes, 5 mixed big breeds 4 mixed suprise breeds and 2 ducks. I think thats all but not sure. Already have One rock cornish hen, 2 plymouth rocks, 2 I thick gold laced wyanndott hybred, 1 baby americana, 3 baby astrolope, and 1 baby buff. And have more eggs coming at the beginning of the month. Love my chickens, my kids, husband of course, my dog, and my 2 ferrets. I have a wonderful life full of animals and people I love who could ask for anything more. My life feels less hectic when I watch my chickens chase the bugs........

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