Set eggs from my own chickens tonight


9 Years
Dec 18, 2010
Como, TX
I am excited about this. I only set 6 from my Black Cochin and one from my Barred Rock girls. I have a Black Cochin Cockerel that has been getting busy, so I hope I will get a chick or two out of these. This is the first hatch from my own birds. I have been seeing bulls eyes in the yolks, so I am hoping for the best. I will find out soon enough.
you got it! start working on the brooder. good luck
The brooder situation has already been taken care of. I am to the point of needing more space for the big ones outside. This chicken math is starting to get out of hand.
That's how we are. Seems like we're always running behind on building new pens & coops. Hatching eggs from your own chickens is so much more fun & better. The last two times I've had 100% hatch rates with our fresh eggs, but 60% is the highest I've got with bought/shipped eggs so far. Good luck with your hatch

They are about to go into lock down. I will candle them one more time. I know there is one clear egg and it will be coming out. The rest of them seemed to have something going on the last time I checked about a week ago. The LG has held stable temps the whole way. I have it in my bedroom and I have kept the temp in there constant the whole time. I had to tweek it once when I decided I wanted to keep the room a little cooler. The nights are starting to stay pretty warm here. I will fill the water reservoir one more time and keep my fingers crossed for the next 3 days.
So far, 2 have hatched and 4 more have pipped. I left the one I thought was clear in there because when I candled on day 18 it looked like something might be in there. We will see.

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