Set eggs today, 2/6/10. Who's with me?

Ok guy's we were with you setting eggs on the 6th. We set Rir's and Mallard eggs. We now have our first duckling popped out couple of minutes ago. We have several more but I think it was a day early. This is our first attempt on ducks. We have 31 setting in bator number two. We ended up with nine more Rir's for our flock.
Well, we only had the one chickie hatch and we've since brought her in. She's eating and drinking now and seems to be growing. I broke open 3 eggs on day 26 and here's what was in them: 1 was rotton (pee-ewe!!!), one had never even started to develop, and one had a an EE that was fully developed, warm, and moving. I was so mad at myself!!! It couldn't have been saved, I'm sure. So I had planned on opening the rest of the eggs but didn't. I promptly put them back under a broody. Today, day 29, no more have hatched. Maybe I should just get rid of them and not look but I just need to know. It just goes to prove, you can't count your chickens before they hatch. I sure am learning at lot!
Scoop sorry about your hatch!!. We have two ducklings now from the setting on 2/6. I hope for some more but we have started and added to our bators. Our ducks are going to take over at this point. Mallards are laying 4 a day. We plan on grouping our gatherings every couple of days and putting them in the bators. Our 3rd bator was ordered yesterday. We tried using a Lil Giant still air but we can,t seem to control it. We ordered another 2362N hovabator. Only chicks we want now are Delawares and maybe Golden Lakenvelders. Delawares I can get from a breeder here in MD. We probaly will get day olds and keep them with our new RIR's. We wll seperate later when egg production starts. The Goldens are a differant story haven't found them within driving distance. We won't buy shipped eggs due to a bad experience we already had. Take Care and good luck.
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I cracked the rest of the eggs open today. None of them had even begun to develop. I think I may have had them stored at too warm of a temperature before putting them under our hens. Lesson learned. We are going to put a couple more green eggs under Jenny if she will have them. I couldn't get her out of the box today for the life of me!! Poor girl, hopefully I can get her out to free range tomorrow.

Allquackedup I just love those duckies. So cuuuuuuute!

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