Set of 4 Dewlap Toulouse Goslings


Silkies n Sebs
10 Years
May 13, 2009
Gold Country, California
I have auctions up on eggbid but thought I'd let everyone here know. I have 2 sets of 4 purebred dewlap toulouse goslings available for $265.00 for the goslings AND the shipping. To the best of my knowledge they are from a holderread background They are not hatched yet but if all goes well they would be born around the 22nd and go out right after they are born. If something goes wrong and I can't provide an order, I promptly return the money. There are more eggs in there but I am only advertising 2 sets just in case I lose some at hatch but if I don't I'll have an additional set as well. The goslings are sent fully insured express just in case. After this I am done done done for the season (thank goodness LOL). Pictures of the parents last year (they have bulked up, gotten deeper and bigger dewlaps since then) can be seen at:


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