Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Rather excited... Just checked on them when I got home from work and it looks like they have been turning nicely... It is a bit cooler than I though weather wise today so they are sitting at near perfect temp! I am in New Zealand so it's the middle of summer... Also checked on my broody and she just looked at me with her beady eye, she is the Light Sussex avatar picture, pretty similar look she gave me... I do hope she does better this time, last time was her first hatch and she was up and down like a yo-yo while sitting then killed the first couple of chicks, but then went on to be a very attentive mother... Not like my second broody who sat beautifully then just stood on her chicks and didn't feed them so I had to hand rear them in the end!

Look forward to updates (just bought a high power LED torch to do some candling too, will check on my hens eggs that sitting due next Wednesday and Saturday later on tonight when it is dark!)
well we are late on getting those eggs in the homemade incubator. We had too much fluctuating in the degrees. Hopefully this new lamp will settle in at 100 degrees would make us happy.
So by 3pm our time they should be under the lamp... "heres crossing my wings,...erm fingers"
well we are late on getting those eggs in the homemade incubator. We had too much fluctuating in the degrees. Hopefully this new lamp will settle in at 100 degrees would make us happy.
So by 3pm our time they should be under the lamp... "heres crossing my wings,...erm fingers"

The incubator I made last year I had the thermostat mounted upright and held off the wall with little cuts of a straw. I used a 60 watt light bulb and had a pc fan to circulate the air. My temp fluctuated between a low point of 96 and a high point of 104. I held it there cause if you average those you get 100. I felt that would reflect the internal temp of the egg. I had fairly decent hatches with that. I hatched 4/5 the first time and 8/13 the second. This time I followed quintinp's advice and mounted the thermostat on a wire cage just about 1/2" above my light bulb, and my temp doesn't fluctuate any whatsoever unless I open to turn the eggs. Once it's up to temp no change at all. I hope you get it figured out.
I came home today and had one more blue and one more green from my hens so I added them and that will be all I set this time. That brings my final count to 41 that consists of 30 bantam cochins and 11 EE mutts. I love my new home made bator. I could still probably get 9-10 more in there if I wanted.
I am about to set a dozen silkie eggs tonight 1/19. I was going to wait two more weeks but I can't. It's been a hard few months not hatching any chicks and I can't take it any longer.
I am about to set a dozen silkie eggs tonight 1/19. I was going to wait two more weeks but I can't. It's been a hard few months not hatching any chicks and I can't take it any longer.

LOL!... I was the same way! My last hatch was June 2011. I couldn't stand it any more.
My wife wants a couple silkies soooooo bad.
thanks for joining! :)
Hi Sam! I'll join in as well. I'll be setting tomorrow, silkies, welsummers and ameraucanas. All are shipped eggs, so who knows what will happen.

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