Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

ill join since no one joined my post. i set 15 egg on the 18th. 8 from my RIR and 7 from my leghorn. my roosters are a Buf Orpington, a RIR, An Amerecauna, and a barred rock, also an american game. i have seen all the roosters mating with them so it should be interesting what we turn out with
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Welcome. I didn't think of looking for other post when I started mine. I'm glad to have someone else to follow.
I'll be anxious to see what you wind up with too. I like mutts.
Thanks for the welcome! All my eggs have arrived and are resting, ready to go in the incubator in the morning, so I'll be a few days later hatching. I'll bring up the rear, so to speak.
Champer - I'm right behind you. My Black Cooper Marans eggs came today. Unfortunately my incubator just got shipped today.
GrannysRoost lent me her bator until mine gets here. Talk about saving the day!!!

It's been holding at 100 for several hours so I think I'll go ahead and set them tomorrow afternoon.

14 - BCM from Egg=cellent's auction
and then as a "what the heck" --
12 Trader Joes white fertile
12 Whole Foods brown fertile

I think I've over thought this whole thing. I have each egg numbered and entered into a spread sheet with it's weight (in grams) and then spaces to weight them when candling and what weight I'm aiming for. Assuming that they will ideally lose 13% of their weight if the humidity is right.

Can you tell I'm excited about the whole thing? I haven't hatched eggs in about 5 years!!

I'll be looking forward to reading and seeing everyone's progress.
Well it's day 3 for me, and everything seems to be going fine. before I went to bed last night as I was turning the eggs I couldn't resist candling a few. I looked at probably 8 and only 1 of them was totally clear. I was more curious about the mutt eggs of mine. Some are too dark to see through, but the ones I could see had nice large dark yokes and air cells beginning to form so I'm really excited.
I was running my temp on 99, but I raised it to 100 because I caught it on 97 a couple of times. I still haven't added any water and the humidity is staying between 25 and 30. Overall, I feel pretty good about this hatch. This is the most eggs I've ever set, and I really see the importance of having a turner so you don't have to open the box. Every time I turn them it takes me about 4-5 minutes, and my temp usually goes to 95. After I close it back up it takes 1-1/2 hours or so before it is back up to temp. So after this hatch I'll be looking into some way to turn them from outside the box for the next hatch. My main concern on that is I don't want to reduce my capacity too much. I don't know, if I get a good hatch I might just keep hand turning. Guess we'll see.
Hope every one else is doing good. Enjoy your weekend.
Champer - I'm right behind you. My Black Cooper Marans eggs came today. Unfortunately my incubator just got shipped today.
GrannysRoost lent me her bator until mine gets here. Talk about saving the day!!!

It's been holding at 100 for several hours so I think I'll go ahead and set them tomorrow afternoon.

14 - BCM from Egg=cellent's auction
and then as a "what the heck" --
12 Trader Joes white fertile
12 Whole Foods brown fertile

I think I've over thought this whole thing. I have each egg numbered and entered into a spread sheet with it's weight (in grams) and then spaces to weight them when candling and what weight I'm aiming for. Assuming that they will ideally lose 13% of their weight if the humidity is right.

Can you tell I'm excited about the whole thing? I haven't hatched eggs in about 5 years!!

I'll be looking forward to reading and seeing everyone's progress.

I am excited also
I just added 4 more eggs today ! I will just have to pull out my other incubator to use for my hatcher.Next week I am ordering another incubator .That way I will have two for incubating and one for the hatcher and I can stagger eggs all year!!!!
Just don't tell my hubby .Hehehehe
Things are going well here... Both my incubator and broody seem to be doing well! I really want to candle them, but I am thinking I should wait a couple of days, but I bet I have a sneeky peek tonight!!!
SherrieT and Champer-

Wait for us! We'll join along. The incubator temp. is steady, so we'll be adding the 23 BLRW eggs tonight.
It's been several years since we hatched eggs, so we're very excited!
I'll join also if you don't mind. I'm just a little behind you. Setting tonight. Lavender Ameraucana and lavender guinea fowl. I hope the guinea's hatch.

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