Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Well its gona be a long night!!! Its pipping!!!! Just checked it and it has craked the shell outward but hasn't quite gotten it broken open yet. I can hear little peeps from it so its alive as of now....... Please cross your fingers or prey or whatever you can do to wish the little thing luck!!!!
Well its gona be a long night!!! Its pipping!!!! Just checked it and it has craked the shell outward but hasn't quite gotten it broken open yet. I can hear little peeps from it so its alive as of now....... Please cross your fingers or prey or whatever you can do to wish the little thing luck!!!!
Im praying for you :D my first one hatched last night it was 10hrs from pip to hatch, i thought it was going to take for ever.. My second one had a little door open in the egg last night i could here it chirping for hours, it got to 2.00am in morning and i couldnt keep my eyes open any longer so i went to bed and got up this morning to 5 babies lol. I think they were waiting for me to go to bed lol... Ive got another pip this morning but im trying not to look lol... Your baby will be ok. I had to have loads of reasurance off BYC members i was convinced they wernt going to hatch... Good luck hun it wont be long
Well its gona be a long night!!! Its pipping!!!! Just checked it and it has craked the shell outward but hasn't quite gotten it broken open yet. I can hear little peeps from it so its alive as of now....... Please cross your fingers or prey or whatever you can do to wish the little thing luck!!!!

i am praying for u to and give us lots of updates and pics are a must
well mom wasn't doing so good this mrning. She ate a lot of the shell off chick while it was zipping so it had mostly the membrane left on it with some tares from mom and a lil bit of bleeding.....And of course it was Shrink wrapping! Luckily I got to it in time. Many of the blood vesels were already dried up so I was able to open the membrane enough that it cant shrink on him anymore and I moved it into my incubator as a last resort. Its about halfway hatched now. I also put a piece of fish tank tubing through a vent hole an attached a suringe of water that I can drip on his body once in a while to keep the membrane moist. It been taking a breather for a while and hasn't done much.
This cause my humidity to jump from 30% to 40% over an hour or 2. Hopfully this will not affect my hatch.......
Next time I open my bator to turn eggs I will take a pic of baby.
Just got done with my day 7 candling....
I had 6 clears and 2 blood rings. I put 3 back in the bator with question marks on them because they had development but no movement. The 22 cochin eggs I could see in and they were really active. The eleven I set from my EE hens were too dark to see through, but I could see an air cell formed in them so I kept all of them. So I've dropped from 41 to 33 with 3 iffys.
I'm very happy with the turnout for the first week.
How is everyone else doing?
It came !!! I'm such a happy camper. Now if I just had a better candler and better eye sight. The Trader Joe eggs are the only ones I can see anything with the candling. Course it's only Day 4 for me. So far it looks like (out of the 12 TJ's) 2 definite No's, 3 ??? and 7 showing veins. :)

So not a good start at all.... Well I guess its not that bad.
Good News: 1 White silkie chick happy and warm in my brooder. Out of the shell now but sleeping in a corner still a lil wet looking.

Bad News: He has 12 toes! his toe highest up the leg is forked into 2 toes on both feet!

Not sure how this plays out genetics wise but we will see I guess what I get from the rest! This lil chick had a really rough life inside its egg getting abandoned a couple times and getting very cold, to being kicked out of the nest and falling at leased a foot a couple times.... to being picked at by mom during hatching!
I think the toes are probably genetic though and if thats the case I will have to try to figure out which hen it came from and try to eliminate the problem! I think I may just end up getting rid of the white trio anyway. They are DD and she got them at a great deal from another BYC'er for showing in 4h but if they are going to produce ofspring like this then they are outa here! DD needs to be able to help support her habit and selling chicks is a good way to do that so she needs to have stock that she can do that with! I am not going to pay to keep freeloaders who produce bad chicks and 2-3 eggs a week!!!!
Ive candled a few test eggs and they were developing good. My Buff Brahma and my Lav ameraucanas are iffy at best, shells are thick and porous and hard to see through but I don't think they are doing much! The air cells looked like they were still shifting somewhat. I am going to wait until friday or saturday to candle a good amount of them as I have been in my brooder a few times today to rotate eggs and to deal with new baby. I'm only gona get ride of my own silkie eggs if any that have not developed at tat time and leave the shipped eggs till day 14 or so before removing any I am sure of.

But humidity is holding again at 30% with both vents open and temp on top of eggs is at 102ish temp on bottom of eggs is at 97ish. My humidity did get up to 40% today for a while when I first put the chick in to hatch as I had to keep dripping water on it to keep it moist. But once I quit dripping and removed the lid the chick was on it dropped back down pretty fast.
I think I have DH convinced to let me setup some brooders out in my garage this year if my mother in law ever moves out of my house and takes her stuff!!!!
(She thinks my house and garage are a storage facility and a free place to live!)( Had to pay rent for the first time this month so now shes talking about movin!)

More brooders means I get to do more hatching!!!!! LOL

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