Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Welcome folks!
I too have cochins in the bator. 22 split between several color varieties, as well as 11 of my eggs that will be mutts of barred easter eggers and a barred cochin. I am on day 12 and so far I tossed 8 of the cochins, 6 were clear and 2 blood rings. Put 3 iffies back in. Will candle again Wednesday evening.

How are things over in New Zealand?
Well....I did a little preliminary candling and every one i picked looked great. They're really filling those eggs nicely and the air cells look great. I don't want to jinx myself, but if nothing drastic happens I am on my way to a pretty good hatch I think. The eggs sit their own selves pointy end down now. They obviously have weight in them. So neat! I can't help but get excited. I have been fighting with my temp slowly climbing, but it was in the 60's today here, and expected 65 tomorrow. I adjusted my thermo down and it seems to be holding ok. If I couldn't see it at work I would be crazy. I love my bator cam!
I think we're in the second week doldrums, we've done our candling and, barring any incubator failures, it's just wait till we candle before lockdown. Do I sound ho hum about this? It's only because I have some adorable 4 week old chicks keeping me amused. lol
I'm still here. Not a good day though. When I bought my incubator there were 30 quail eggs included with it. When I got the shipping notice (fedex) email it said the eggs were being shipped the week of the 30th.

I don't check my mail a lot (it's not right at my place) but today I figured I'd better start checking it for the eggs. Wellllll........after work I checked and guess what! There was a notice that they were at the PO and it was dated the 26th. I wanted to cry. They should of just been shipped!

Then I get home, try out my new candler and drop an egg. A good, developing egg. Not just a crack. A big crunch.

Think it's time to go to bed and hope tomorrow is better. Will go get the eggs and still give them a try
I love the bator cam! That is really cool. I have about 250 eggs in right now. Some are mixed some are pure, most for sale, all from my stock. I have Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Black Jersey Giants, Cochin, Dark Cornish, Leghorn, RIR's, OEG, and some orientals. What kind of bantam cochin do you have? I have a frustrated little red bantam cochin that needs some hens. Care to swap some eggs some time?
I love the bator cam! That is really cool. I have about 250 eggs in right now. Some are mixed some are pure, most for sale, all from my stock. I have Ameracauna, Barred Rock, Black Jersey Giants, Cochin, Dark Cornish, Leghorn, RIR's, OEG, and some orientals. What kind of bantam cochin do you have? I have a frustrated little red bantam cochin that needs some hens. Care to swap some eggs some time?

I've also got a little red cochin roo. Out of the 30 assorted cochin bantam eggs I have setting now, I had to throw out 6 of them after the one week candling, and 3 of those were the reds. But I've got several great varieties left. I had over nine varieties from my first inventory, and I am pretty sure I had 5 reds, so I'm saying I might have two reds going to the second cut. I'm looking good on day 13 to hatch some silver laced,black mottles, reds, blue splash, lemon blue splash, and several other varieties too, some are frizzled and some are smooth. Shipped eggs from the same seller I bought the eggs my red roo hatched from. I've got 22 of them looking good to hatch feb. 7-8. Tomorrow I will do a full candling for the 14 day mark. I hope not to make any cuts tomorrow.


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