Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

For some reason I can never see anything on these webcams.
I'll have to try a different computer.
You inspired me! I set up a chick cam too. Hatching won't be until around the 21st but now I don't have to worry about missing anything! I'm using cam on iPad and I can even view over my phone!


I just love getting to bring mine up and see it. People make fun of me, but it makes it much easier for me if I'm not sitting there worried about what my incubator is doing 35 miles away.
one day my feed just went offline in the middle of the day. I flipped out! Made phone call and discovered I was actually current on internet bill and electric bill! It's so funny when they realize you are calling because you think your service is disconnected, but it really isn't. LMBO!
Turned out a simple restart solved everything... I'd done imagined the house burning down and everything!

You'll be surprised how many people are interested once you start showing it around.
nop unless u want me to but may now 1 has internally piped

I keep my cam going 24/7. We have a very strict content filter on our internet at work, but it let me visit so I chose to let them stream mine, and I can see it all day long anytime I want.
It doesn't let you live chat though, or show how many current viewers you have, only total views.
I told them I had that and I needed to see it every now and then and they didn't care... I bust my butt for them, If they pulled some punches on me for checking in on my eggs once in a while through the day, I'd have to go plum crazy on them.
Lucky for me they don't care!
We pulled our smelly egg and cracked it. All it had in it was a white blob and yolk. Does it still count on our hatch ratio? Tomorrow is day 18 hope some hatch early. I cant wait its driving me nuts.

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