Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Mine are on day's taking forever!!

Lockdown Monday, you're almost there!
Day 15 for me to..... I am turning all mine by hand to so its even harder for me! I have to touch my eggs at leased 3 times a day. Then suddenly I will be in lockdown and I wont get to anymore and I will be doing a lot of cleaning to keep busy : )
As of today 3 shipped OEG bantams are still doing great and 8 of the 9 silkies I had left are still doing good. 1 quit between day 7 and 14 and it to was really porus so I think that may have had something to do with it? maybe not. IDK.....

Temp has been very steady, I had my humidity spike from 30% to 50% a couple times. I opened up the second vent to try to get it down but it was very slow to do it.

I will be setting again on the 17th or 18th. I will be ordering all of the eggs.
So Far:
20 silkie eggs assorted colors ( requested all buff and partridge but won't know what I got till I get them)
will be getting 12+ wheaten ameraucana from a byc'er
hoping to find a decent quantity or loud colored araucana eggs for a good price to but I won't wait for them.
May try to get some BO or other colored orp to add to so I can sell them : )
Then DH can't be to mad that I'm setting again if I "recoop" some money : )
Besides I'm selling most or all of the silkies from this hatch to!

Then maybe I'm thinking of trying a few turkeys maybe for freezer camp.....
I'm so jealous that I can't see the hatching going on, hope you have a fantastic day Sager:)silkies!!!!
My eggs are just cooking along and lockdown won't be till the 8th. A fellow I know, who had asked me to hatch some eggs for him, said he'd bring them by this morning. This is a good excuse to buy another incubator to use as a hatcher, but can't imagine it would arrive before Wed when I'd need it.
I put my eggs in lockdown late last night, and they're wiggling around in there. I don't expect pips til either late tonight or tomorrow.

I have my chick cam on, but it's set to some Lavender Americaunas that I bought last night. They're more interesting than slight wiggles of eggs.
I put my eggs in lockdown late last night, and they're wiggling around in there. I don't expect pips til either late tonight or tomorrow.

I have my chick cam on, but it's set to some Lavender Americaunas that I bought last night. They're more interesting than slight wiggles of eggs.

Sphinx...your chicks are cute! And definitely very entertaining. There was one that kept crawling between the legs of the other chicks (like reversed leap frog). They are so sleepy...maybe they just want to snuggle down for a nap.
I've always just done it at some point in the day when I felt ready to candle them all and get it all right. I've never had any hatch before the 21rst day. But I've also never had stable temps.

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