Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

I have a question,do you go to lockdown at the begging of day 18 or the end of day 18 ?

That's a tough question with a couple different answers.

I have a Brinsea Mini Advance, and if you have the turning set to automatic, it stops turning at the beginning of day 19. So, I've just chosen to lock them down when the autoturning goes off.

With this batch, I started them at 8pm on a Sunday. The autoturner stopped around 8pm last night. However, I was gone when that happened, so I took out the turner, bumped the humidity and put the felt in the bottom around 12:30 am last night. So, I think I went into lockdown a little late by some standards. However, my last batch, two of the chicks hatched late on day 21, and the other four hatched throughout the day of day 22, so I guess it works for them.
I'm going to pull all my hair out. Was supposed to go into lock-down last night. My temps have been steady all the way to day 18. Candled and had movement in all the eggs. Put eggs back added water. My temps dropped. Didn't realize I spilled some of the water. Now my humidity was at 80. It took me all night fighting the temp. Couldn't get humidity to go down. I ended up having to take every thing out and dump the water. Today my temps are steady but humidity is back to 30. So now I am using a straw and putting tiny amounts of water at a time. I candled the bany egg cause its one of the eggs that's a day behind. It still has good movement. I am hopeing that if the little egg made it thru all that the big ones did too.

I've entered the lockdown zone!

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