Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Here are my first two!

10 chicks outside under the broody though 2 look very weak (one has only just emerged though, the other seems to have very weak legs and is unable to stand yet, I'll give it 24 hours and see how it's settling then see if it needs spinting or something!) and 6 have hatched in the incubator and several more pipping. It looks like my first egg to pip may have died in the shell as it hasn't emerged in 24 hours and there seems to be no movement from it :( Lots more to come though!
10 chicks outside under the broody though 2 look very weak (one has only just emerged though, the other seems to have very weak legs and is unable to stand yet, I'll give it 24 hours and see how it's settling then see if it needs spinting or something!) and 6 have hatched in the incubator and several more pipping. It looks like my first egg to pip may have died in the shell as it hasn't emerged in 24 hours and there seems to be no movement from it :( Lots more to come though!

Things really moved along while you were at work.
I am so excited for everyone else too! I taped up my spraddled chick with a bandaid and she already looks happier! I went out to feed my big chooks and when I got back another 2 had finished unzipping! I can't count them all and I have no idea what they all are!!! All I can hear is cheep cheep cheep from the spare room!!!

I'll try and get some photos later, can people take photos and post them too as I would love to see what's going on around the world!!!
Congratulations Matlock and Eksterhuis! Shayna, sounds like you may have morning surprises. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the little fluffy butts.
Matlock585 - That's a cute pic. Of chicks all worn out after hatching. You probably have more now.

We're on day 19, we were having that feeling of nothing is going to hatch,then we saw 3 of the Welsummer Bantam eggs wobble!

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