Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

So after talking with DH it turns out that it was probly to hot in my room most of the day and they probly fried. He said he glanced at the thermometer and it read 105 and he had not seen it so high so he figured he better cool them down.... so they probly cooked....... :( Actually the only 2 possibly 3 eggs that survived the massacre were in the corner right over the bottom vent hole so maybe the air coming in was cooler???

Good news hopfully
is that I have a pip when I got home this afternoon
and I can hear a lil peep now and then!!! and a second egg is moving! both are OEG bantams from the mail and are hardy as hell to have survived shipping damage when no other eggs did and then lost a whole batch except them and possibly 1 of my silkie's.

Please cross your fingers they are healthy happy little chicks. The great heating happened 2 days ago today so they would have been basicly fully developed by then. Hopefully there is no deformities internal or external and they are both little hens
Make that 2 pips now and the third egg is moving a lil bit!!!!


I'm only on my 2nd day of lock down and I am having trouble getting my humidity up though!!! Especially now that they are piping!!! My humidity is at 55ish % and I have been adding water ever hour or so for like 4 hours and it hasn't gone up at all. I have a small plate with a big sponge I added at lockdown plus I have been filling all the water areas in the bottom and now I have started wetting some of an empty egg carton I left in their to hold a thermometer at the top of the egg level but it hasn't moved. I have both plugs opened in the top. Is it safe maybe to close 1 since I only have 3 eggs hatching to help bring up humidity? I really would hate to loose these babies now to shrink wrap or something once they came this far!
they are cheeping back and forth now :) I guess the egg cartons worked cause now the humidity is up to almost 70% and I only added about 4cc of water to the carton.

I rigged up a squirter to add water back when I setup my bator using a surynge and aquarium airline tubing. I had to force it through the air holes in the top to open them up just a hair so it would fit but now I can add water wherever I want to and I don't have to open anything on the bator to do it : )
I just stick it down the hole closest to where I want the water to go and since it has a bend at the end I can direct it better.
We have our first chick. I checked at noon, didn't see anything started. Came home at 4:30 there was a healthy opening in an egg and an hour later. We have our first chick. Another chick is on the way, a small hole is opening :) Very exciting :)
Wow 2hot! what a story... I bet if those little ones do hatch you'll have a hard time treating them like chickens!
It's pretty neat that the oeg's took the post office abuse and the temp spike. LOL... I bet them things will be mean as little hornets about summer time! They're already cocky!

I have 24 I think out. It's hard to tell what's what in there right now. I had to help 2 when I got home and one of them isn't doing the best right now, but seems to be getting stronger. I think I might go on and get the brooder ready and move everybody except for those two I had to help and the unhatched. I hope some more of mine hatch, I picked up their eggs for a couple days after I set all the other eggs and threw them in the bator for S&G. I'm anxious to get the ones out that hatched from my hens eggs so I can start speculating on what kinds of cross I have. I already know I have barred EE crossed with barred cochin bantam! Love it!

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