Setting eggs 1-18-12. I need some buddies to keep me company.

Nice! I'm lovin' all these fuzzy butt pics!
Is that RIR?


We are up to 3 now and one more pipped. I think the hen is a RIR. And not sure but I think Roo is a Barred Rock.
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I think I might give it a week or two so I have some room in the brooders for them! What have you ordered?

Best of luck everyone. I had so much fun with mine, and I'm barely gonna have time to clean my bator good before I set again. My next eggs should arrive tomorrow. Anybody else resetting?
Congratulations everyone!

I think I may have suffered a few first time incubator issues, maybe I had my temp a bit too high. Have 9 eggs left with no pipping or movement, its day 22 (25 have hatched).

I have one problem though I have a chick with very weak legs and bandaid hobbled have not helped, the poor thing still can't stand and flops over, does anyone have any ideas? I would rather not have to cull her!

I had a silkie hatch under a broody like this or I should say she was not being a good mom to her live chick and 1 other had already died so I pulled it and it was to weak to hatch so I had to help it out. It was really weak and had a hard time standing on its legs for about 2-3 days but it eventually came around. I used a surynge and fed it sav-a chick a few drops at a time every couple hours....
Good luck and hope it works out for you
I have 21 silkie eggs, and am ordering 12 ameraucana and hopefully 12 araucana all to set on the 18th.
I had some mistakes happen this hatch but I will not let it happen again!!!!
I cannot wait!
So our second egg hatched about 2:30 in morning.. we woke to loud peeps. By seven this morning we had our third. There is another one picking through as we sit here. Very exciting. When we candled we thought there might be 4 that do not hatch. All had something in them but seemed to be at various stages of progression. We are loving the hatching,12 eggs went in to incubate hopefully we get most of them hatched.
Thanks for the words of encouragement :) We may become addicts :) LOL.
I put my eggs in lockdown yesterday feeling vey pessimistic, when I candled I saw almost no movement. Uggh! Just now I looked and an olive egger is pipped and zipping away....What a relief, can't wait to see it out.

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